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Are We Not Tired of the Same Ohl, Same Ohl

If I hear this one more time, I do not know what I am going to do!

The Weasel Chronicles: A Comedic Guide to Spotting and Surviving Weasel Types

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. at

Published on January 9th 2024

Authors, Pierpont and Pierpoint

Oh, the fascinating world of weasel-type characters! They’re like those weird distant relatives you only see at family gatherings, but they’re just plain sneaky instead of mysterious. These folks are like chameleons, blending into the crowd while wearing a rainbow of colorful disguises. It’s almost impressive how they manage to fool so many people. But hey, let’s not get too judgmental; we’ve all encountered a weasel or two in our lives, haven’t we?

Weasels, oh, weasels! They’ve got a knack for being sneaky, deceitful, manipulative, conniving, backstabbing, liars, and cheaters while gossiping behind your back. They’ll flash you a bright smile and nod in agreement, only to do a complete 180 when you’re not looking. These human parasites are like the ultimate drama queens – they couldn’t care less about your well-being and would gladly step on your dreams if it meant a promotion for them. And boy, do they take their sneakiness seriously! They’ve even perfected the art of penny-pinching while looking sly, but that’s just another day in the life of a weasel.

So, what’s a person to do when faced with these slippery characters? Well, first things first, tread carefully! When you spot a weasel in your midst, it’s like stepping on a banana peel, one wrong move, and you’ll find yourself slipping into their web of deceit. These weasels are the masters of deception; they can make their lies sound more accurate than a weather forecast, and that’s saying something!

Ah, my dear reader, let’s delve deeper into the art of handling these weasel-type characters, for they are a species worthy of our comedic contemplation. Once you’ve identified one of these human-like parasites, caution should be your new best friend. Just as you wouldn’t wear your fanciest shoes to trudge through a muddy field, you shouldn’t approach these weasels without a game plan.

The weasel, with their slippery behavior and character traits, are like a clogged drain in the plumbing of your life; they require some serious filtering. Detoxing your existence from their presence is vital. Neglecting this crucial step can be as harmful as swallowing a spoonful of hot sauce and expecting it to taste like honey. The weasel type character they’re so seductive with their smooth talk that they could convince you that a pineapple is a type of apple! Failure to detox from these toxic influences may lead to detrimental consequences for your mental health, as they have a knack for making their lies sound like undeniable truths.

Here’s a valuable tip: detoxification is critical when dealing with these human-like parasites. You wouldn’t keep expired milk in your fridge, would you? So why keep a weasel around? Failure to detoxify your life from these toxic creatures can be detrimental to your mental health. They’re like the sirens of Greek mythology, seductive at will, luring you in with their charming facade. But don’t be fooled! One must be as vigilant as a hawk looking for unsuspecting prey.

Now, let’s get even more practical. Guarding your mental faculties is paramount when dealing with the weasel. Think of your mind as a VIP lounge at a fancy club; not just anyone gets in! Be vigilant and learn the art of weasel-spotting. Develop a finely tuned weasel radar, and don’t hesitate to use it. It’s like having a mental bouncer who keeps the “riff-raff” out.

Furthermore, it’s essential to understand the process of not welcoming dysfunctional behaviors. Picture yourself as the host of a prestigious dinner party; you wouldn’t invite a clown with a squirting flower, would you? Be discerning about the company you keep and be prepared to eliminate those who carry excess inflamed fluids on their brain. Think of it as unclogging a jammed printer; sometimes, you must hit the reset button.

So, my fellow travelers in a world of weasels, take heed of these tips and remember life’s too short to let these sly critters lead you down a twisted path. Tread carefully, detoxify when necessary, and stand guard over your precious mental faculties. After all, we’re here to laugh and enjoy the absurdity of life, not to let the weasels drive us into their web!

Stay Engaged with Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, volume of works: At, we steadfastly believe that the pursuit of knowledge is an eternal voyage, and our unwavering commitment is to empower individuals on their voyage of self-discovery and enlightenment. We are thrilled to capture your interest by sharing a series of works from “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, expansion of works extracted from our extensive catalog of life’s observations.

“Before I Fall Asleep” offers collections of observations and circumstances that often become distorted by gossip, ignorance, and backstabbing, all of which are intricately woven into the fabric of our lives. These collections of peoples’ personality types are crafted from everyday observations of individuals navigating their journey through the passage of time.

This journal of thoughts explores the common misunderstandings of human experiences. It delves into the “why” behind our actions and behaviors and how we can better navigate life by removing obstacles that obstruct our path. Similar to the proverbs and parables, “Are We Not Tired of the Same Ohl, Same Ohl?” “If I hear this one more time, I do not know what I am going to do!” The presentation of personalities that will be posted by are meant to be humorous for the casual observer reader and will become available in book print soon. These works serve as learning and personal growth tools, encouraging mindfulness in our actions and judgments.

We invite you to stay tuned for more of our work, shared on our platform/blog, where we delve deeper into our perspective on “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, presentation of works. These works will support your journey of self-discovery and provide moments for reflection.

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Laughter is a beautiful gift we can give ourselves, and it has the power to brighten our days and lift our spirits. So, embrace those moments of joy and laughter whenever they come your way. – JayP & VP

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