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Are We Not Tired of the Same Ohl, Same Ohl

The One in Every Family: A Comedic Take on the  Many Personalities We Encounter”

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. at

Published on January 16th 2024

Authors, Pierpont and Pierpoint

“There is One in every family”, type of personality.”  

No need to step too far apart before these family members show their trueness. These individuals are found in most families, and one need not imagine as they have showcased their adverse behaviors for some time. If one considers certain behaviors displayed by these family members, one will know who is who, and sometimes, one may learn why. Sometimes, family members may have over-indulged in the highs and lows to pleasure themselves in the fast lane of life when their behaviors have become unbearable for others to help support. Some members are comical and usually do not take anything seriously. Some are vocally too loud, saying nothing, while others are bossy and overpowering.

We want to include the clowns’ and entertainers, and also those serious personalities.

Ah, the colorful cast of characters that make up our families! There’s always that one person who seems to be in a league of their own, marching to the beat of their own peculiar drumbeat. It’s almost like a twisted game of hide-and-seek; you don’t need to look too hard before these unique family members reveal their true colors. No need to wonder, for they’ve been proudly displaying their quirks for quite some time now. If you were to take inventory of the behaviors exhibited by these family members, you’d quickly sort out who’s who and maybe even why they are the way they are. However, let’s not play the guessing game of ‘Age By Character’ – it’s a comedy of errors waiting to happen!

In every family, you’ll find an assortment of personalities that range from the comical to the serious, the overly friendly to the conspicuously clumsy, and the hard-to-tolerate dirty and nasty ones, right down to the jack-of-all-trades. It’s like a character buffet where you never know what will be served.

But wait, there’s more! In the grand family fabric threads you’ll discover the thieves with no moral boundaries, the jailbirds who can’t seem to break free from their criminal tendencies, and the collaborators who’d sell their own mother (or any other family member) for the right price. Let’s not forget the betrayers, the ones who chuck loyalty out the window, and those who think they’re better than the rest simply because they’re doing well for themselves. There are also the beggars, always living with a pocketful of excuses, and the non-forgivers who believe they’re maintaining control.

And let’s remember those family members who’ve taken kleptomania to a whole new level. They’ll swipe anything that’s not nailed down, and if they get crafty, they might even steal the nail itself, as if being a polished thief is the ultimate achievement in their game of sneakiness.

These family members can spin a lie better than a seasoned politician or a lawyer with more courtroom hours than a soap opera marathon. But, my friends, let’s not be too quick to judge their creative endeavors, or the jury might just find us guilty of telling the truth!

Hmm, the kleptomaniacs among us. When they eventually get caught in their rat-like behavior, they’ll have you believe it’s not them raiding the family’s pockets; they’ll insist it was, in fact, the cheese that was chasing them.

It’s a comical twist to their sticky-fingered escapades.

In the grand circus of family life, these characters add a dash of absurdity that keeps things interesting. While we may not condone their thieving ways, we can’t help but marvel at the creativity they bring to the table. And who knows, maybe one day they’ll put those skills to use in more legitimate endeavors. Until then, let’s enjoy the wild ride that is our family, habits and all, and remember that laughter is the best response to life’s little surprises.

And let’s not close our eyes to these family members. Among us are those quietly anointed as peacemakers but occasionally find themselves unfairly cast as the instigators of family disputes. In hushed conversations, we might question the judgment of certain family members, wondering why they struggle with what seems like an obvious assessment. It leaves us pondering, and others may even conclude, “You can’t push a rope,” as they perceive this family member to be unreasonable and too far gone.

As we continue to unravel the complex fabric of our families, it’s crucial to recognize and appreciate each member’s roles, even if those roles sometimes come with misunderstandings or misconceptions. The designated peacemakers often carry the weight of mediating conflicts, seeking to mend the tears in our familial fabric. And while they may occasionally face unwarranted blame, their efforts should be acknowledged and valued.

Similarly, it’s essential to exercise empathy and patience for family members whose judgment appears questionable at times. We all have our struggles; some may require more support than others to find their way. After all, pushing a rope isn’t about force; it’s about understanding that sometimes progress can only take place in one direction taking time, guidance, and a gentle touch. But who are we kidding here? Some family members are like human chameleons, blending so seamlessly into the population of humanity that you’d think they’ve mastered the art of invisibility. However, with a bit of Columbo-level insight, you can’t help but notice that something’s amiss in their mental faculty department. It’s like they’ve misplaced the user manual in their brain, with many knowing this to be true. Meanwhile, the other family members have hush-hush conversations about it, like discussing the secret recipe for Aunt Rebel or Uncle Willie’s famous meatloaf.” Sometimes you can’t make this stuff up!

In the grand comedy of family life, each character plays a unique and vital role. We should strive to see beyond the surface and recognize the value in each family member’s contribution, even when it’s not immediately apparent. As we navigate the intricacies of our relationships, may we remember that compassion and understanding are the threads that bind us together, making our family stories even more beautiful and enduring. And in doing so, may we continue to learn, grow, and laugh as we embrace the diversity that defines our families.

As the family saga unfolds, you’ll encounter those who’d take their secrets to the grave, the abusers who couldn’t care less about what others think, and the compulsive liars who believe they’re safeguarding a hidden agenda. And let’s not overlook the philosophers who’ll overwhelm you with their grand theories, along with the eternal optimists who insist on creating alternate realities.

But wait, there’s still more! Among the family’s ranks, you’ll find those who declare, “I’m not my sister’s/brother’s keeper,” the opportunists who ride coattails until the end, and the ones who believe they were born into the wrong family. There’s the contingent that’s fed up with the “bullsh*t,” those who proudly announce, “Do you know who I am?” and the ones who drop the infamous line, “Do you know who I work for?” Family secrets, or lack thereof, also play a role, along with those who couldn’t care less about keeping them.

And who could forget those who aren’t interested in building anything for the next generation, preferring to wait for their inheritance after their parents’ demise? Then there’s the “I’m just going to do me” crowd, the ones who think you should pull yourself together, and those who wonder why they keep making fools of themselves.

And then, some family members believe their higher academics somehow rank them above other family members, all while looking upon their loved ones with disgust. Some family members may never hold any malice against those with college degrees, but they may question why the degree holders, lack the effort to acquire skills, in trades, vocations, or crafts. Let’s acknowledge that some family members carry the burden of others but are often overlooked for their generosity until such support has taken its course. Sadly, what resonates as the classic behavior of some family members are those who pretend to know what they really should learn.

In this grand stage of family dynamics, we encounter a kaleidoscope of characters, each with their quirks, roles, and idiosyncrasies. As we navigate this intricate web of relationships, embracing the diversity that makes our families unique is essential. As we reflect on the personalities that surround us, may we always strive to be the best versions of ourselves, avoiding the pitfalls and pretensions that sometimes creep into our own lives. After all, it’s not just about understanding others; it’s also about self-awareness, self-determination, and growth. So, let’s continue to cherish the colorful cast that is our family, learning and laughing as we go along.

But just before we conclude on these arrangements of family characters, let’s share two additional personality types before we continue on the road of life:

When we speak on the path of sweat and blood.

Now, let’s talk about those family members who’ve embarked on a journey of self-improvement through sweat and blood, and probably a fair share of tears. These folks have decided to elevate themselves and their life choices, often leading them to achieve remarkable success. But here it goes: do they catch some flak from the lesser achievers in the family! It’s like they’ve suddenly become the target of a comedy roast. If you get the drift.

“You’ve forgotten where you came from!” they’ll declare as if success came with a built-in amnesia feature. At the same time, you are suffering from high blood pressure or other illnesses and not getting enough sleep. Still, you are suffering in the meantime, burning the candle on both ends, working endlessly to perfect your skills. “Remember, you have parents, sisters, brothers, and a whole extended family who could use your help,” they’ll lecture, conveniently ignoring that they were nowhere to be found during the grind and hustle phase.

These successful family members were supposed to be fortune-tellers, predicting the future needs of their relatives, and offering assistance before anyone even asked. But alas, in sorrow, they didn’t receive the memo on mind-reading and were too busy pursuing their own dreams unable to play everyone’s personal savior.

So, here’s a valuable lesson: Beware of the negative chorus from those who never supported your climb up the ladder. Pay no mind to the envy that sometimes rears its head when others see you succeed, especially if they failed to build their own stairway to success. After all, it’s your life, goals, and journey. And remember, success isn’t about who you should help; it’s about reaching your goals and offering a hand to those who genuinely support you. So, keep climbing, stay focused, and let the

dream-killers provide the comic relief in your life’s story.

But, as in every family, there remains those family members who envy and hold an attitude of incomprehensible resentment. After failing to create their own reality, they’re armed and ready to sabotage another’s dreams and creations. Sharing your brilliant ideas with them is equivalent to shouting ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater. They’ll be the first to pour cold water on your fiery enthusiasm. But here’s a tip: if crying about what a family member said behind your back came with financial rewards, we’d all be rolling in dough!

Jealous individuals often put on the disguise of being helpful advisors, but beware – when their ‘advice’ comes in the form of loud and aggressive criticism, you’re dealing with a jealous individual trying to undermine your success, something they’ve never experienced. They’re like a jealous dog guarding a bone they never buried in the first place!

Remember, in the comedy of family life, there’s always room for a few drama queens. The key is to keep your sense of humor intact, share your ideas selectively, and don’t let the jealous guardians of invisible bones rain on your parade. After all, laughter is the best defense against the saboteurs of success!

And yet, in the grand theater of family life, you’ll inevitably encounter characters who have mastered the art of exposing themselves. These individuals are nothing short of vampires, and others we call atomic vampires who go straight for the jugular vein, ready to suck every ounce of life and energy you thought you had and unintentionally offered to them. It’s like they have a Ph.D. in emotional and financial vampirism, with a specialization in draining your patience.

Picture this: You, the unsuspecting family member, stroll into a gathering armed with good intentions and perhaps a plate of cookies and a glass of wine. You’re ready to spread some cheer and share some love. But wait, here they come, the vampire clan, hovering in the shadows, ready to pounce on your goodwill.

They have an audacity for draining your enthusiasm with their endless tales of woe and insatiable appetite for your resources. Your generosity becomes their buffet, and they’re fearless in returning for seconds, thirds, and dessert. They can turn a simple conversation into an episode of their troubles, leaving you feeling like you’ve just survived a marathon of emotional rollercoasters.

But fear not, dear reader, for in this comedy of family dynamics, there are valuable lessons to be learned. Establish firm boundaries, safeguard your energy as if it were the last piece of chocolate in a dessert shop – or, for the health-conscious, akin to a vegan who is meticulously avoiding any extra additives in their diet. But remember that saying a hard “no” to the vampire brigade is perfectly okay. After all, you deserve a life free from perpetual energy drain. So, remain vigilant, keep your metaphorical cayenne pepper, and crosses handy, and let the comedic chaos of family life continue to unfold!

Now, for some reflective advice and a gentle reminder: When confronted with any colorful personalities in your family or circle of friends, become a master observer of behaviors. Decide which behaviors you’re willing to tolerate and which you’d rather avoid. Trust your gut instincts, as they can save you from wasting time on things that don’t matter.

And remember, in this grand comedy called Life, the characters we encounter in our families are all part of the show. So, sit back, enjoy the performance, and don’t take it too seriously. After all, the quirks and eccentricities make our family stories genuinely unforgettable. Be mindful of those pointed fingers, as you navigate the myriad of personalities around you, always take a moment to reflect and ensure you don’t find these characters within yourself.

As comic as it may be, for many of these personalities, humor is never simply humor; a message is always riddled with a mixture of laughter. But wait, are we not still learning those chapters outlined in our own personal sojourn? After all, the cosmic curriculum never comes with a final exam, and the punchline to life’s grand joke is an ever-evolving revelation!

Stay Engaged with Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, volume of works: At, we steadfastly believe that the pursuit of knowledge is an eternal voyage, and our unwavering commitment is to empower individuals on their voyage of self-discovery and enlightenment. We are thrilled to capture your interest by sharing a series of works from “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, expansion of works extracted from our extensive catalog of life’s observations.

“Before I Fall Asleep” offers collections of observations and circumstances that often become distorted by gossip, ignorance, and backstabbing, all of which are intricately woven into the fabric of our lives. These collections of peoples’ personality types are crafted from everyday observations of individuals navigating their journey through the passage of time.

This journal of thoughts explores the common misunderstandings of human experiences. It delves into the “why” behind our actions and behaviors and how we can better navigate life by removing obstacles that obstruct our path. Similar to the proverbs and parables, “Are We Not Tired of the Same Ohl, Same Ohl?” “If I hear this one more time, I do not know what I am going to do!” The presentation of personalities that will be posted by are meant to be humorous for the casual observer reader and will become available in book print soon. These works serve as learning and personal growth tools, encouraging mindfulness in our actions and judgments.

We invite you to stay tuned for more of our work, shared on our platform/blog, where we delve deeper into our perspective on “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, presentation of works. These works will support your journey of self-discovery and provide moments for reflection.

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Laughter is a beautiful gift we can give ourselves, and it has the power to brighten our days and lift our spirits. So, embrace those moments of joy and laughter whenever they come your way. – JayP & VP

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