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Are We Not Tired of the Same Ohl, Same Ohl

The Chronicles – A Comedic Guide to The  Sniggering Hyenas Type Personality

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. at

Published on FEBRUARY 13, 2024

Authors, Pierpoint and Pierpoint

A peculiar creature is known as the Sniggering Hyenas Type Personality in the wild jungle of human interaction. This sneaky backstabber prowls the social savanna, collecting morsels of personal information from unsuspecting prey and distributing it for their twisted pleasure. Picture this: you’re innocently sharing your hopes and dreams with a seemingly trustworthy individual, only to find out later that they’ve been gleefully spreading your vulnerabilities like gossip at a tea party.

These cunning creatures thrive on chaos and discord, enjoying others’ misfortune. They anxiously, with anticipation, lurk in the shadows, looking for the perfect moment to strike with their venomous whispers and sly grins. You’ll often catch them wearing a facade of friendliness, but don’t be fooled – behind that smile lies a heart as black as coal.

Now, let’s paint a picture of the Sniggering Hyena in action. Imagine you’ve just landed your dream job, filled with excitement and ambition. But alas, before you can even celebrate, the Sniggering Hyena swoops into rain on your parade. With a subtle smirk and a well-timed snicker, they begin to spread rumors about your incompetence and inadequacy. Suddenly, your triumph is overshadowed by doubt and insecurity, all thanks to the conniving antics of this devious creature.

The Sniggering Hyena may lurk in the shadows, but with your newfound knowledge and resilience, they’ll be no match for the comedic force that is you. Onward to victory and hilarity!

In the intricate dance of human interaction, the Sniggering Hyena Type Personality creeps like a shadow in the night, ready to pounce on unsuspecting prey. As we’ve already explored, these cunning creatures possess many treacherous traits, each more insidious than the last. But the danger doesn’t stop there. Let’s delve deeper into the murky depths of their deceitful repertoire:

Like their animal counterparts, these personalities excel at waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. They’ll often ambush their unsuspecting prey with unexpected attacks, catching them off guard and leaving them vulnerable to their nefarious machinations.

Behind their facade of friendliness lies a puppet master, pulling the strings of unsuspecting victims with deft precision. They efficiently orchestrate chaos and discord, manipulating situations and people to serve their selfish desires. Like a marionette in their hands, you’re left feeling powerless and helpless against their evil influence.

One of the most dangerous traits of the Sniggering Hyenas is their mastery of gaslighting. They’ll twist the truth and manipulate facts to make you doubt your reality, leaving you confused, anxious, and isolated. It’s a psychological warfare tactic designed to break down your defenses and render you susceptible to their manipulative charms.

These personalities thrive on gossip like bees to honey, spreading rumors and hearsay with reckless abandon. They’ll exploit any tidbit of information they can get, using it to sow seeds of distrust and discord among friends and colleagues. Before you know it, your reputation lies in tatters, torn apart by their venomous whispers.

Like a saboteur in the night, the Sniggering Hyena excels at undermining the success and happiness of others. They’ll stop at nothing to ensure you fail in your endeavors, spreading false rumors, sabotaging projects, and undermining relationships ruthlessly.

Much like a smokescreen obscures visibility, these personalities excel at creating distractions to divert attention away from their misdeeds. They’ll deflect blame onto others or create elaborate cover-ups to conceal their true intentions, leaving you scratching your head in confusion as they slip away into the shadows.

Despite their devious actions, the Sniggering Hyenas often plays the victim card to garner sympathy and deflect accountability. They feign innocence and paint themselves as the misunderstood underdog while quietly orchestrating chaos from the sidelines. This manipulative tactic is designed to elicit pity and absolve them of responsibility for their actions.

These behaviors pose a unique danger to those unfortunate enough to cross paths with a Sniggering Hyena. It’s crucial to stay vigilant and guard against their manipulative tactics, lest you become just another unwitting victim in their twisted game of cat and mouse. Remember, dear reader, knowledge is your greatest weapon in the face of such betrayal. Stay strong, stay vigilant, and never let the laughter of the sniggering hyena drown out your voice of reason.

But fear not, dear reader, for there is hope in the face of such betrayal. It all starts with self-awareness and a firm grasp of your worth. You see, the Sniggering Hyenas preys on the weak and vulnerable, those who are easily swayed by the opinions of others. But by cultivating a strong sense of self and embracing your uniqueness, you render yourself impervious to their petty machinations.

Staying vigilant and guarding your energy like a precious treasure is crucial. Surround yourself with allies who lift you rather than tear you down, and never underestimate the power of a good laugh in the face of adversity. After all, what better way to thwart the plans of a Sniggering Hyena than with a hearty dose of humor and resilience?

But, before we get to the foregone of our human interaction, let us remember that saving the day is saving yourself from yourself. Please take notice of navigating the jungle as you continue your vacation at this earthy school; we will encounter diverse personalities, each with unique quirks and characteristics. Among them lurks the Sniggering Hyenas Type Personality, a cunning creature that preys on the vulnerabilities of others for its own twisted pleasure. It’s essential to recognize the Sniggering Hyena traits in others, turn a reflective eye inward, and examine our own behaviors.

Empathy: As we journey through the jungle of human interaction, empathy is our guiding light. It allows us to understand and connect with others more profoundly, fostering meaningful relationships built on mutual respect and understanding. By cultivating empathy within ourselves, we can navigate the complexities of social dynamics with grace and compassion.

Integrity: In contrast to the deceitful and manipulative nature of the Sniggering Hyenas, integrity is our moral compass. It guides us to do the right thing, even when faced with adversity or temptation. Acting with integrity means staying true to our values and principles and upholding honesty and transparency in all our interactions.

Transparency: Transparency breeds trust and authenticity in our relationships, serving as a shield against the deceptive tactics of the Sniggering Hyenas by being open and honest in our communications and standing on space while building a foundation of trust and mutual respect. Think for a moment about the importance of fostering genuine and honest connections that withstand the test of time.

Resilience: In the face of adversity, resilience is our armor. Wouldn’t this allow us to bounce back from setbacks and challenges with grace and determination, emerging with more assertiveness and resilience? By cultivating resilience within ourselves, we can weather the storms of life with courage and fortitude.

Compassion: Compassion is our greatest weapon against cruelty and malice. It involves showing kindness and understanding towards others, even those who may have wronged us. By extending compassion to those around us, we foster a culture of empathy and acceptance, creating a more harmonious and compassionate world.

Assertiveness: Assertiveness empowers us to communicate our needs and boundaries confidently and respectfully. It’s about standing up for ourselves and others without resorting to manipulation or aggression, asserting our rights with clarity and conviction.

Self-awareness: Self-awareness is our compass, guiding us towards personal growth and development. By being mindful of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, we can recognize when we may be veering off course and correct the course before it’s too late. Self-awareness allows us to strive for continuous improvement, becoming the best version of ourselves.

Incorporating these traits into our interactions with others helps us avoid falling prey to the tactics of the Sniggering Hyenas but also contributes to a more harmonious and compassionate world. As we journey through the jungle of human interaction, let us embrace empathy, integrity, transparency, resilience, compassion, assertiveness, and self-awareness as our guiding principles, navigating with grace, dignity, and integrity with every step.

In conclusion, dear reader, remember this: in a dog-eat-dog world, it pays to be the biggest and baddest dog on the block. So, stand tall, stay true to yourself, and never let the hyena sniggering dampen your spirit. After all, laughter is the best medicine – especially when dealing with the antics of these mischievous creatures’. Stay strong, stay funny, and may the jungle of life always be filled with laughter and light.

Now go forth, dear reader, and conquer the world with your wit and wisdom. The Sniggering Hyenas may lurk in the shadows, but with your newfound knowledge and resilience, they’ll be no match for the comedic force that is you. Onward to victory and hilarity!

The Sniggering Hyena have tested and proven who they are; that is, it is the test of time.

And remember, dear reader, should you encounter a Sniggering Hyena in your midst, tip your badge to them – for they are the true trouble making jesters of the jungle!

Stay Engaged with “The Chronicles – A Comedic Guide to The Sniggering Hyenas Type Personality”:  At, we steadfastly believe that the pursuit of knowledge is an eternal voyage, and our unwavering commitment is to empower individuals on their voyage of self-discovery and enlightenment. We are thrilled to capture your interest by sharing a series of works from “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, expansion of works extracted from our extensive catalog of life’s observations. Continue to join us on this uproarious journey into the lives of ‘The Sniggering Hyenas Type Personality as we explore the absurdity of our ceaseless quest for external validation into the future.

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