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Chronicle of the Cave Shaman – Parallel – Souls for Sale

Artwork: Chronicle of the Cave Shaman – Parallel – Souls for Sale

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. @ and
Published on September 27, 2024
Authors: Pierpoint and Pierpoint

Chronicle of the Cave Shaman – Parallel – Souls for Sale

In a secluded sanctuary, a shaman is depicted in the solemn act of communion with the spirits. A spectral wolf stands by, a guardian between worlds, as the shaman stories into the mysteries of life and Death.

This piece might adorn the walls of a sacred cave. It tells the story of a revered figure who walks the line between the material realm and the domain of spirits, seeking wisdom and guidance from forces beyond the mortal coil.

Parallel—Souls for Sale is a haunting and evocative artwork that seems to journey into themes of spirituality, mortality, and the ethereal marketplace where the value of a soul is weighted. The image features a skeletal figure draped in cloaks, reminiscent of a traditional representation of Death or a spirit guide from folklore.

This figure’s outstretched hand and calm demeanor suggest a transaction or an offering, underscoring the idea of souls being an exchange item. Beside this central figure is a hyena, a creature often associated with scavenging and survival, symbolizing perhaps the opportunistic nature of existence. Its presence alongside the skeletal figure creates a stark contrast between the living and the dead, the earthly and the otherworldly.

With its muted colors and shadowy forms, the backdrop gives the impression of a liminal space—a threshold between worlds where such transactions might occur. The swirling patterns in the background could represent the unseen energies or forces that swirl around these moments of exchange.

The idea that souls can be bargained with or traded in some spiritual or metaphysical sense that we should control. The ‘sale’ of a soul should refer to moments of moral compromise, decisions that impact one’s spiritual journey, or sacrifices to pursue earthly desires. No, you cannot sale your soul, however, compromising your character in exchange for goods signals grave warning when not knowing limitation, weakness and strength.

(Please visit the website – to view the above art image in the Art Gallery)

“Parallel—Souls for Sale” invites introspection on the value of our inner selves and the consequences of our choices. It’s a powerful visual metaphor for the unseen transactions within the human psyche, the desperate deals, and the eternal question of what one’s soul is truly worth.
Let’s explore the ongoing subject of race one more time. Our point is to deeply reflect on the many complex social issues related to identity, cultural loyalty, hypocrisy, and broader systemic problems.

To address this thoughtfully, we need to unpack a few layers: the pressure within racial or cultural groups, the broader societal issues that intersect, and the individual versus collective responsibility.

Targeting Individuals Who Choose Partners Outside Their Racial Group Cultural Loyalty vs. Individual Freedom:
Many people within racial or cultural groups may feel betrayed when someone chooses a partner from outside their group.

In view, this often stems from a perception of cultural or racial disloyalty, viewing marriage or partnership as a political act that should align with the group’s interests. However, this perspective overlooks individual agency—the right of every person to form relationships based on love, connection, and personal choice.

False Narrative of ‘Traitor’: Labeling someone a “traitor” for marrying outside their race reflects a narrow and often damaging view of unity. It ignores that building bridges between different races and cultures can also be a form of resistance against divisive ideologies. True unity comes from inclusivity, understanding, and respect for personal choices—not from controlling who people can or cannot love.

Deflection from Real Issues: The fixation on interracial relationships can be a deflection from far more critical issues facing the community, such as economic disparity, educational inequality, healthcare access, and systemic oppression, one may express when staying focus on their ignorance. This finger-pointing overshadows more critical conversations about societal advancement and collective well-being.

Hypocrisy and Internalized Issues Within the Group Programmed by the System: This raise a significant point about how many fail to acknowledge how they are still participating in and being conditioned by systems they claim to oppose. Also, this includes consuming unhealthy food, relying on products made by corporations that may not have their best interests, and participating in social media ecosystems controlled by the groups they critique. This contradiction exposes an unwillingness to confront deeper self-sufficiency and community empowerment issues.

Internal Divisions and Hatred: There is also the issue of internalized hatred within groups. The animosity directed toward members of the same racial group for personal choices—like choosing a partner from a different race—reflects a deeper divide. Often, people fail to see the internal conflicts, whether classism, colorism or the inability to support one another meaningfully.

Focusing on external enemies or perceived betrayals distracts from this. Failing to Build and Create Self. The lack of action to “pay it forward.” While many claim to uphold their ancestors’ legacy, only some contribute anything tangible to their community’s future. When was the last time, or committed time, the “pointers” paid it forward consistently outside of having a gossiping conversation about what should be done? That’s what we thought! Really, how long are pointers willing to ride on the back of their own ancestors endlessly, without being a producer of anything.”

Building something new, economic independence, creative projects, or institutions is essential for real progress. Sitting idle while pointing fingers doesn’t lead to constructive solutions.

So we reach “Ignoring Critical Issues Like Abortion and Social Economics, Real Problems Overlooked: As the sounding concerns should not go without mention, the abortion rates within specific communities are staggering, and they point to broader issues—lack of education, healthcare, economic opportunities, and social support for women, especially in marginalized groups. These fundamental issues are too often ignored in favor of focusing on superficial problems like whom someone chooses as a partner. Where is the damn “Mic – drop!”

Economic Dependence and Hypocrisy: The problem of economic dependence is also a critical one. Many people criticize certain racial groups while still working for them or relying on systems controlled by those groups. It’s important to question why someone would continue to beg for jobs or bend their values to fit into a system they claim to oppose.

This brings up the need for absolute self-sufficiency, entrepreneurship, and financial independence. Compromise and Unity, The Reality of Compromise: Out of the mouth of babes, we note that we all live in systems that require compromise. Whether it’s working within structures controlled by people outside of your racial group or participating in systems that may not align with your values, this is a reality everyone faces.

Instead of finger-pointing, the focus should be on how individuals can retreat to these compromises while positively impacting their community.

Call for Accountability: Finally, asking those who claim to promote unity what they are actively doing to support their community is vital. Are they creating businesses? Are they educating and empowering others while neglecting self-support? Or are they simply talking loud while doing little to move the collective forward? Actions speak far louder than words, and building tangible support systems—businesses, schools, or organizations—matters more than endless debates over who someone chooses to marry or create a family with. Remember, begging one’s opponent has not been taken off the table. Let’s be clear, a question often iterated by VP candidate of the United State, we express, after 50 years since the so-called 60’s movement, excuses remain forthcoming, “They want let us build again.” Really! This sounds that many fail to harness their given empowerment to create change.

The Bigger Picture: Building Positive Cosmos Footprints by Creating Legacy and Impact: Leaving a positive “cosmic footprint” is powerful. It speaks to the idea of contributing something lasting to the world—whether through personal relationships, community building, or leaving behind tangible progress for future generations. Instead of focusing on division, the energy should be directed toward creating something meaningful that uplifts the individual and the community. Never push away an active voice or cosmic foot soldier; you may eliminate those benefits coming forth. One never know what their tomorrow may ultimately bring.

Supporting One Another
True unity is not about policing personal choices such as marriage or relationships. It’s about supporting one another in meaningful ways—investing in each other’s businesses, mentoring the younger generation, and working together to address critical issues like poverty, healthcare, education, and social injustice.

Many point fingers at those they believe are oppressing them. While there may be some truth in that belief, it also reflects a more profound reality: many continue to compromise within systems they voluntarily engage with, even when those systems are inauthentic or misaligned with their values. This becomes particularly clear when parents willingly send their children to government schools that condition and program their minds—only for those same minds to be used against them later.

Compromising the minds of one’s children in this way is, in essence, a form of neglect or even abuse that must be addressed. Some argue that individuals lose their right to speak on issues like race if they choose relationships or have children with people from different backgrounds. However, it’s crucial to remember that no one has authority over another person’s life path. From an insider, many have not demonstrated being in possession of their own lives.

The ignorance of not knowing oneself weighs heavily on a mind that has been kept distant from the truth. Discussions of race should not be reduced to matters of color or superficial categories, nor should they infringe upon the fundamental right to express personal preferences. Every individual holds the right to speak on their chosen topics. We must critically examine those who preach about ethnicity yet fail to practice what they advocate. What are they genuinely asking others to do when they condemn someone’s right to exercise their “Free Will”? Silencing someone based on their personal choices is not only a violation of free will but also a form of self-imprisonment for the one doing the condemning.

Are these critics willing to seek alternative ways to educate their children when they fail in their primary responsibility as parents—guiding and nurturing the children they have brought into this physical realm? The obligation to inform children lies with the parents, not the government or external influences that aim to control the minds of future generations. After all, the government’s role is often to condition and maintain control over what they perceive as “the herds.”
And those who point fingers—are they free from compromise? When they interact with public schools, medical establishments, or other systems they criticize, do they truly detach from the institutions they oppose? Are they willing to give up their social security benefits, pensions, 401k plans, and other financial supports provided by these same systems they rally against?

Let’s consider what it would mean to relinquish certain freedoms, such as permission to travel using a vehicle or public transportation, and to rescind birth certificates, social security cards, and other benefits provided by those we consider adversaries. In fact, do the pointers understand, being a public person vs. a private person. While these actions might seem radical, they stem from a more profound need to address our communities’ real issues. One of the most pressing concerns is the high rate of violence within marginalized communities and the lack of collective efforts toward building something better.

Addressing Policies for Real Change
In any meaningful discussion about societal improvement, the role of policies is crucial. For far too long, policies have been crafted and enforced not to meet the people’s actual needs but to serve the interests of the political elite or influential groups. If we are to create real change, policies must shift to focus on empowering the population, addressing systemic issues, and fostering sustainable growth for all rather than reinforcing structures that benefit a select few. Actual, impactful policies should prioritize the following:

Economic Independence and Entrepreneurship: Instead of creating dependence on government assistance, policies should empower people to build businesses and sustainable sources of income. Programs that provide grants, mentorship, and resources for small companies—especially within underserved communities—can help break cycles of poverty and dependence.

Education Reform: The education system should be overhauled to reflect the realities of the 21st century. Schools should focus on critical thinking, financial literacy, and life skills, not just standardized testing. Empowering parents, particularly single mothers, to have more control over their children’s education—whether through homeschooling resources, community-driven schools, or scholarships for private institutions—would be a game-changer. However, many stay the course of finger pointing of individuals free will.

Healthcare Access and Mental

Health Support: Accessible healthcare is a human right, but access is limited or too costly for those who need it most in many societies. Policies should aim to provide affordable healthcare, with a focus on preventative care and mental health services, particularly for at-risk populations, such as single mothers and their children.

Publicly, there is talk of support for single mothers, yet behind closed doors, many gossip about their behaviors and perceived poor choices. Despite this, single mothers face the unique and demanding challenge of being their children’s primary breadwinners and caretakers. It is essential to recognize their struggles and establish policies that provide real solutions, such as childcare subsidies for single working mothers. These subsidies would allow them to pursue education or career opportunities without being burdened by the high cost of childcare.

Let’s be clear, these are the real fights.

Additionally, affordable housing initiatives are crucial in providing safe and stable living environments for single mothers and their families. However, there is often a failure to acknowledge responsible parenting and those who choose to avoid adverse entanglements. These responsible individuals, whether single mothers or otherwise, should be equally recognized for their efforts in creating stable and positive environments for themselves and their children.

We often discuss job training programs for single mothers aimed at helping them acquire marketable skills and transition into better-paying positions. However, is this not a form of compromise—asking those we view as adversaries to correct or address personal missteps? By now, we should have reached a point where we are the creators of jobs, opportunities, and solutions rather than relying on external forces to provide them. It is crucial to avoid remaining victims of a system or others perpetuating victimization. Specifically, we must resist those within our own culture who choose to become spiritual parasites—finger-pointing at their people and labeling them as betrayers of cultural affairs. In reality, these individuals are nothing more than loudmouths, participating in schemes to manipulate others into conforming to their views, effectively raiding their consciousness. Please don’t allow oneself to be sprayed by them, it may deaden your existence.

This type of controlling behavior reflects a mindset: “I don’t value you or see you as worthy, but I will chastise you for your choices.” By buying into their ideology, one becomes forever indebted to playing the role of a victim, controlled by culture hyenas strolling around in a pack who is determined to mouth beat you into submission to yield you into their ideology. True unity cannot exist without personal unity—without finding the freedom to be accessible within oneself.

Real Leadership Beyond Political Agendas
In today’s world, leadership often feels disconnected from the real struggles and needs of the people. Authentic leadership must rise from within communities, rooted in their genuine concerns, rather than being shaped by the agendas of the powerful or the distant political class. Authentic leadership serves the people, not political interests or elite powers, and it must address the challenges faced by communities in meaningful and impactful ways.
Authentic leadership benefits everyone if those powers are collectively understood.

Community-Centered Leadership:
Leaders must come from the communities they serve and deeply understand the specific challenges those communities face. The people should hold these leaders accountable, not by political parties or corporate interests. A true leader listens to the people and acts, ensuring that policies and decisions reflect the collective good rather than private gains.

Collaborative Governance: Leadership shouldn’t just be about dictating from the top. It should encourage collaboration across all levels of society. Local leaders, activists, community organizers, and educators should sit at the table when policies are being drafted or revised.

Governments should empower grassroots movements by providing the tools and resources they need to enact change at a local level. Many will compromise themselves to gain those benefits from the opposition.

Ethical Integrity and Transparency: Leaders must lead by example and demonstrate ethical integrity. Transparency in governance ensures that leaders are held accountable for their decisions and prevents corruption. The public should know exactly how decisions are made, why they are made, and who benefits from them. Yet, the division is present when choosing to singularly attack individual free will.

Service over Power: A natural leader serves the people, not someone who craves power or sits behind a mic to utter useless words. Leadership positions should be seen as roles of responsibility, not as avenues for personal gain or influence. A leader’s legacy should be measured by how much they uplift their people, not how much control they have over them.

Superficial or divisive issues must not distract us; we must focus on the systemic changes needed to empower communities. The finger-pointing culture must be replaced by one that emphasizes constructive action, individual responsibility, and collective upliftment. Empathy, collaboration, and ethical leadership are the keys to creating a more just and equal society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive—regardless of who they love, where they come from, or their current circumstances.

Real change begins when we hold leaders accountable, demand policies that genuinely serve the people, and support those who need it most, such as single mothers struggling to raise the next generation—regardless of the challenges they face, many of which may be their own making. However, better parenting decisions come from proper guidance and learning, leading to wiser choices in life. Most importantly, leadership starts from within.

A nation that remains divided is doomed to stagnation and lack of progress. Many fail to recognize this, instead continuing to engage in finger-pointing and fostering divisions within communities over personal choices, like interracial relationships. These distractions only pull focus away from the real issues. We must stop pretending unity has been successfully ingrained, especially when, for the past 50 years since the integration-by-law initiatives, one group has sacrificed everything while others have benefited economically without giving up anything. Are we still wasting time pointing fingers or simply avoiding the responsibility to build something meaningful?

Rather than tearing each other down, we should focus on constructing a better future by addressing fundamental issues like economic independence, education, and healthcare and leaving behind a positive legacy. Actual progress arises from collective action and individual empowerment—not from trying to control others’ personal choices. Exercising free will does not equate to losing one’s identity.

Understanding one’s identity begins with knowing oneself. It is not ignorance but a necessary foundation for growth. However, soft minds can easily be misled and trapped in a delusional reality, often constructed by those they oppose. True strength lies in allowing others to exercise their free will in this physical realm—an experience we all agreed to undertake upon arriving here. Should we not allow others their experiences and relationships of choice based on their free will rather than trying to impose our own beliefs?

We must ask ourselves: to what extent have we compromised within a system we oppose while failing to build the reality we truly desire?

Conclusion: Compromise, Reflection, and Building a Legacy
In life, the question of compromise arises before we look into the mirror of our simulation, reflecting the cards we’ve been dealt and how we’ve played them in the game of life. Actual change and progress come from self-reflection, understanding how we’ve acted within the systems we have weathered, and deciding what steps to move forward meaningfully.

A shared Proverb by Pierpoint n Pierpoint:
The question of compromising arises before looking into the mirror of one’s simulation, reflecting the cards dealt and played in this game called life.

This proverb invites us to confront moments when we face the idea of compromise, asking whether we have examined ourselves honestly. The “mirror” symbolizes self-reflection, requiring us to confront the realities of our choices and circumstances before making decisions that may involve giving up something of value. The “cards dealt” represent our circumstances, challenges, and opportunities, while “played” refers to how we respond.

Before we make compromises in life, we must first engage in self-reflection. Understanding how we’ve played our hand in the game of life is essential for making informed and authentic decisions. Without introspection, we risk compromising in ways that may lead to dissatisfaction or misalignment with our true path. In observing life’s stages, we have witnessed many who have compromised their entire existence, daring others to question their movements and choices along their journey.

Assess the areas of your life where compromise is necessary. Ask yourself if you have genuinely examined your actions and choices before making decisions that will impact your future that should be controlled by you, not you unauthorized to control another.

This work reflects introspective and spiritual views, encouraging self-awareness and collective growth. While it addresses critical societal issues, it emphasizes individual responsibility and the value of personal reflection.

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