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Blog Title: “I Will Ride the Fence – Types”

Artwork celebrates Simplicity and Complexity – by JPierpoint

This artwork celebrates simplicity and complexity, united in a harmonious composition. Delicate, undulating lines create an organic form reminiscent of a tree or a vascular system, signifying growth and life. The use of vibrant, multicolored strokes within the structure introduces a sense of diversity and energy as if each line represents a unique pathway or journey. The piece’s beauty lies in its fluidity—the lines curve and stretch, some intertwining, others standing alone, yet each seems to be in perfect balance with the whole. This could symbolize the interconnectedness of all things, the individual threads composing the existing fabric. The lines have a dance-like rhythm, suggesting movement and a dynamic interplay between the elements within the piece. The sparse use of color, applied with intention and restraint, accentuates key points within the artwork, drawing the eye and creating focal areas that break the monochrome, giving the piece depth and dimension.

Title: “I Will Ride the Fence – Types”

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. @ and
Published on October 11, 2024
Authors: Pierpoint and Pierpoint

“I Will Ride the Fence – Types”

Welcome to the circus of life, where “fence riders” perform their daily high-wire act. These individuals, adept at balancing between options without ever committing to one, provide a fascinating spectacle of human behavior. From opportunists to those plagued by cognitive biases, each plays a unique role in the grand comedy of life. A thought to be entertained is that bias usually favors their belief.

We must not become overshadowed by not observing those who are gullible, known as “Basic-dysfunctional,” or lacking in being fully functional. This is separate from “Curve-line functional people” who are gullible to anyone’s grab, being used as puppets. Understanding these roles in our daily “Lifing,” we must be insightful in our reflections on these fence riders.

These related descriptions of a Fence Rider-type Personality stay connected to us as an energy vampire, with their goal to suck out every life force for the killing. This is just a tidbit of insight into “Lifing” daily in our society.

Life presents critical points of Red Flags’ and concerns. When we reference those Fence Riders’ personalities and the dangerous circumstances that their behaviors should not miss:

“I will ride the fence” type of people! My goodness, the classic “I will ride the fence” type of people! You know the ones – they are like acrobats on a perpetual fence, always waiting to swing over to something more on appealing on the other side.

However, here is the catch: they have yet to offer a concrete plan for holding their opponents accountable. It is as if they have a secret stash of fence-nails they are reluctant to use.

Nevertheless, we offer a word of caution for those weathering the circus of life: be wary of these fence-riders. If they have earned a reputation as such, you can bet that any honesty coming from their direction will have a certain… stinginess. It is like trying to balance on a seesaw during an earthquake – you never quite know which way they will go next. So, here are some comedic suggestions for the amusement park of life: When dealing with these fence-riders, do not take their pronouncements too seriously.

Enjoy the spectacle, but always keep an extra bag of popcorn handy for the unpredictable twists and turns of their high-wire act.

Moreover, remember, it is all part of the entertaining circus of personalities we encounter in this grand comedy of life! Nevertheless, remember that the grand comedy of life is what we give energy to, whether it is fence riding in the political climate, the economic climate, the geo-political constraints, or the zip code we fancy.

In contrast, in this delusional life, we play a game on the life stage, which all stays dormant because of choices and circumstances. Indeed, be careful of these types because if they are known to be fence-riders, any honesty from their persons will indefinitely swing from the side.
Below, we present several references to what we describe as Fence Riders wilding out.

The bias that favors their beliefs: Often, these performers of the societal circus cling to their cherished beliefs, ignoring any evidence to the contrary. Let us call them the “Selective Sentries,” guarding only what aligns with their views and being quick to dismiss any challenge as a mere distraction.

Back to the Bandwagon Effort: Our circus’s “Parade Joiners” are ready to jump onto the most popular float. Watch them scramble, fearing they might miss out on the communal wave, ever eager to belong, no matter the direction or the destination.

In New York City, Monica and Laura, marketing executives, embodies the Parade Joiner. Amidst the fast-paced backdrop of Manhattan, they shift their brand’s focus to mirror the latest social media trends, from eco-conscious products to tech gadgets, always keen to catch the latest wave of consumer interest. Their fear of missing out on the latest trend is a vivid tableau of the city’s relentless pace.

Availability Bias: Meet the “Here and Now Harlequins,” making decisions based on the most immediately available information. They journey life’s maze with only the visible path in mind, often forgetting the grand design of the maze.

The “Here and Now Harlequins”
In California, David, an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, exemplifies the Here and Now Harlequin. He pivots his business strategies based on the most recent articles he reads or pitches he hears, often neglecting long-term planning for immediate gains. This myopic view reflects the startup culture’s rapid pace, where the next big thing could be just around the corner.

Basic-Dysfunctional” are our “Clueless Clowns,” stumbling through the circus ring, swayed by every new act. They lack the functionality to discern or decide, making them prime targets for any persuasive ringmaster.

Basic-Dysfunctional: The “Clueless Clowns”
In the bustling tourist traps of Las Vegas, a retail worker named Gary deals with customers by echoing the most recent advice he has heard, only partially processing the details or implications. His interactions are superficial, often leading to misunderstandings with customers seeking in-depth product knowledge.

And then there are the “Curve-Line Functional,” akin to the “Marionettes of the Masquerade,” their strings pulled by unseen puppeteers. They dance to tunes they barely understand yet perform with unwitting grace. Sounds familiar?

Curve-Line Functional: The “Marionettes of the Masquerade”
In Washington, D.C., a policy advisor named Tom serves at the whim of his party’s agenda, crafting speeches that echo the sentiments of unseen influencers rather than his convictions. His actions are not his own; he dances to a tune dictated by the strategic needs of his superiors.

Fence Rider Personalities: Cultural Appropriation – The Costume Changers These chameleons of culture, ready to don whatever identity suits the moment, change cultural symbols as quickly as costumes at a masquerade ball, often without grasping or respecting the underlying significance. Humorously, they blend in at every ball but never truly fit in anywhere.

Cultural Appropriation: The Costume Changers
In Los Angeles, an aspiring influencer, Emily, shifts her cultural expressions to align with various community trends, from wearing traditional garments for photo ops without understanding their significance to adopting urban slang. Her social media persona adapts to whatever identity seems most appealing, only partially fitting in any cultural narrative.

The Opportunist – Profit Over Principles Watch the “Fence-Jumping Financiers” leap from one side to another, where the grass appears greener, tallying benefits with a cold calculation, regardless of the moral cost. In their eyes, life is a game show, and they always play for the next big reward.

The Opportunist: Profit Over Principles
In the financial hubs of Chicago, Michael, a hedge fund manager, regularly shifts his investment strategies based on the slightest market trends, disregarding the longer-term economic impacts or ethical considerations. His mantra is profit at any cost, and he views the financial markets as a game to win.

Anchoring Bias—The Stubborn Negotiators These are the “Old Guard of the Auction,” steadfastly clinging to the first piece of information they get, bidding relentlessly, driven by stubborn nostalgia rather than current value. Their comic routine involves fierce bidding wars over items no one else sees the worth in.

Anchoring Bias: The Stubborn Negotiators
In rural Pennsylvania, an antique shop owner named Clara holds on to the initial prices of her goods, driven by an attachment to the past rather than present market value. She engages in lengthy haggling sessions with customers, determined not to let go of the nostalgia attached to her items.

Confirmation Bias—The Selective Listeners Tuning in only to what confirms their pre-set beliefs, these “Eccentric Ear Holders” embody the quirky scientists of our societal circus. They cheerfully ignore data contradicting their theories, cherry-picking facts with blissful ignorance.

Confirmation Bias: The Selective Listeners
In Boston, a seasoned professor, Dr. Lewis, selectively references studies supporting his climate change theories, ignoring newer research that contradicts his views. His lectures mix solid science with personal bias, presenting a skewed view to his students.

Bandwagon Effect: The Trend Followers The “Trend Troupe” leaps onto every new bandwagon, the ever-changing parade of diets, fads, or political opinions. It is a non-stop carnival, and they sport every band’s merchandise, always ready to switch allegiances at the hint of a new trend.

Bandwagon Effect: The Trend Followers
In Miami, a young graphic designer named Tony jumps from one design trend to another, from minimalism to brutalism, fearing being left behind in the competitive art scene. His portfolio is a kaleidoscope of styles, reflecting the transient whims of design trends.

Availability Bias—The Short-Sighted Visionaries Our “Impulse Infomercial Impressionists” make snap judgments based on immediate examples, like choosing paths in a maze based on what is directly ahead, ignoring broader strategies. They are the ones who buy yet another set of unnecessary gadgets, convinced of their imminent need.

Availability Bias: The Short-Sighted Visionaries
In New Jersey, a small business owner named Rita bases her inventory decisions on recent sales outcomes, ignoring broader market research. This results in a quirky, often mismatched product lineup that reflects only the most immediate past successes.

“Basic-Dysfunctional” – The Easily Swayed These “Puppet Show Participants,” lacking functionality, sway with any persuasive wind. Picture them in a children’s puppet show, where any character with a convincing tone can direct their movements.

Basic-Dysfunctional: The Easily Swayed
In Orlando, a timeshare salesman named Derek exploits the Easily Swayed, those vacationers swept up by the allure of a “perfect holiday home.” He delivers convincing pitches that make temporary enthusiasm feel like a lifetime investment.

Curve-Line Functional”—The Puppeteer these individuals, “The Stringed Silhouettes,” are gullibly malleable and easily manipulated by the skilled hands of societal puppeteers. Their comedic act in life’s circus involves unknowingly dancing to someone else’s choreography.

Curve-Line Functional: The Puppeteered
In Seattle, software engineers at a large tech company execute projects that pivot with each whimsical decision from upper management, often scrapping months of work for the newest “strategic direction.” Their daily tasks feel disconnected from a coherent strategy akin to marionettes performing an ever-changing script.

Each narrative provides a glimpse into the complex interplay between personality, decision-making, and environmental influences across different American landscapes, from bustling cities to quiet towns, showcasing how these biases and behaviors manifest in varied life circumstances.

Key Notes: Lessons to Learn from Afar or Near Observation
Observing characters like the “Parade Joiners” or the “Here and Now Harlequins” from a distance allows us to discern patterns and trends that repeat across different cultures and societies, offering insights into universal aspects of human behavior. On the other hand, close observation moves into the personal motivations and individual circumstances that drive behavior, providing a deeper understanding of why people act the way they do. Both perspectives are vital for a comprehensive grasp of human interactions and the societal forces that shape them. Through such observations, we can better appreciate human nature’s complexity and societal influence’s nuances.

Making an Analysis Assessment
Analyzing these personality types reflects our society’s values and fears. For instance, “Curve-Line Functional” individuals expose the pressures of conformity that often go unnoticed. In contrast, “Basic-Dysfunctional” individuals underscore the perils of lacking critical thinking skills in our fast-paced world. This analysis is crucial for personal and professional growth as it enhances our understanding of how individual and collective behaviors impact societal dynamics. Recognizing these traits can spark self-reflection and encourage personal development, fostering a deeper awareness of our social environment.

Pending Concluding Suggestion: Engage with Caution and Healthy Skepticism
While observing the diverse spectrum of personalities can be entertaining and enlightening, it is essential to approach interactions with caution and maintain a healthy dose of skepticism. This balanced approach allows us to appreciate and learn from the rich variety of human characters while avoiding the pitfalls of their less desirable traits, such as the indecision of Fence Riders or the superficial adaptability of Costume Changers. Engaging thoughtfully ensures we both dismiss valuable lessons and accept flawed traits uncritically.

Opt-ing to Mine Your Business: (Could be detrimental in non-investment in society)
This section suggests that while maintaining an analytical distance is beneficial, overly detaching oneself from societal engagement can lead to missed opportunities for growth and contribution. An optimal balance involves observing, analyzing, and participating, ensuring one remains connected and contributes to societal development while safeguarding personal interests and integrity.

Summation: The Importance of Commitment and Risks of Indecision
Our view point of Fence Riders illustrate the delicate balance between adaptability and commitment. Their stories reveal the potential consequences of chronic indecision, such as missed opportunities and unfulfilled aspirations. By understanding these examples, we are prompted to evaluate our situations—recognizing when to embrace change and when to stand firm in our decisions. This balance is crucial for personal satisfaction and effective societal contribution.

Below, we present several references to what we describe as being in the know of Fence Riders Wilding out.

Definition of a Fence Rider: A “fence rider” is an individual who consistently remains neutral or non-committal, strategically balancing between opposing sides or decisions without fully committing to any. Their core purpose in playing the life game is to maintain personal advantage and flexibility, minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities by shifting allegiances as circumstances dictate. This allows them to exploit situations to their benefit, often at the cost of genuine commitment or integrity.

List of Characters Fence Riders Prey On:

  1. The Idealist: Believers in the best outcomes, fence riders who feign shared visions to gain trust and manipulate outcomes often exploit idealists.
  2. The Loyalist: Loyal to a fault, these individuals are prime targets for fence riders who leverage this loyalty for their unstable agendas.
  3. The Conflict-Averse: Fence riders, who promise neutrality but often swing decisions in their favor without open disputes, easily manipulate those who dread confrontations.
  4. The Innovator: Always looking for new ideas, fence riders who present themselves as bridges can sway innovators to multiple perspectives, only to co-opt the innovators’ insights for their gains.
  5. The Authoritarian: Leaders with rigid control often overlook the cunning adaptability of fence riders, who can maneuver through cracks in authority to their advantage.
  6. The Naive Newcomer: Inexperienced and often looking for guidance, newcomers can be prime prey for fence riders who pose as mentors while steering decisions for personal gain.
  7. The Desperate: Those in urgent circumstances may turn to a seemingly impartial fence rider, not realizing they are being used as pawns in a more extensive self-interest play.
  8. The Burned-Out: Individuals tired of making decisions may rely too heavily on the seemingly balanced perspectives of fence riders, who exploit this fatigue for strategic positioning.
  9. The Over-Committed: Overwhelmed by their duties, these individuals may fail to see through the fence rider’s facade of support, becoming vulnerable to manipulation.
  10. Fence riders who align themselves temporarily with visionary ideas might take the Visionary advantage of them, only to abandon them when more beneficial opportunities arise.

Final Thought: Fence riders skillfully purge the complexities of human relationships and organizational dynamics, always keeping their options open to ensure survival and success in any environment. Their ability to appear agreeable to all parties while secretly manipulating behind the scenes makes them both formidable players and dangerous adversaries in the game of life. Their interactions often leave a trail of disillusionment once their true motivations are revealed, prompting a reflection on the nature of trust and commitment in personal and professional relationships. Understanding the dynamics of fence riding can arm individuals against such duplicity, encouraging a more vigilant and discerning approach to interpersonal engagements.

• “Nothing Is True, Everything Is a Lie,” by James W. Lee
• “Forbidden Civics,” by Jahlael Bey
• “30 Powerful Strategies for Psychological Mastery and Persuasion,” by Ronald Gil
• “Anything Can Be Healed: The Body Mirror System of Healing with Chakras,” by Martin Brofman
• “Word Majic: The Word and Occult Definitions of Words,” by Pao Chang

Disclaimer: A Satirical Exploration of Social Archetypes
This exploration into social archetypes engages and entertains while also provoking thoughtful reflection on the nuances of human behavior through its satirical and comedic manner. It is essential to clarify that resemblance to specific individuals is purely coincidental and not intentional. This narrative seeks to inspire reflection and dialogue on the universal traits that define our interactions and shape our communities.

By enriching our understanding of these diverse personality archetypes through careful observation, thoughtful analysis, and reflective caution, we weather the social circus more effectively and gain deeper insights into others and ourselves, enhancing our collective experience within the textile of society.

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