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Case file #2:

The Nest-Nesters: Life’s Unpredictable U-Turners”

(I Will Live Off My Parents -types of people)

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. at

Published on January 31, 2024

Authors: Pierpoint and Pierpoint

This blog/essay will take some time to read, so we suggest you grab a cup of tea or a bottle of wine while enjoying it. Thank you for joining us on this delightful journey! We want to keep you until we reach the Heart of the Riddle, so please stay tuned. And don’t forget to take notes along the way!

In a world of unexpected twists and turns, some folks take a U-turn so sharp they end up right back where they started – living with their parents. These not so brave souls, whom we affectionately call “The Nest-Nesters,” have perfected the art of returning home after venturing into the wild and unpredictable world of adulthood. But fear not, for this is no ordinary blog; it’s a comedy special where we’ll laugh, share some stories, and maybe even learn something from these “U-turners.”

Meet the Nest-Nesters, the masters of the U-turn. These are the individuals who, after a brief stint trying to make it on their own, decide that, uh-oh, their parents’ homes are just too cozy to resist. Their reasons for the U-turn are as colorful as their personalities.

Some of these folks, let’s call them the “Budget-Baffled,” cite the harsh realities of adulting as the reason for their swift about-face. Bills responsibilities, bills accountability, and more bills pile up faster than they can say “rent check.” Who wants electricity when you can have candlelit dinners every night?

Then there is the “Financial Fumbles.” These Nest Nesters claim that the cost of living has skyrocketed so high that even astronauts are getting altitude sickness. Keeping up with rent, groceries, and the occasional avocado toast is like juggling flaming torches on a tightrope.

And let’s not forget the “Life’s Little Surprises” group. They found themselves in unexpected life situations, like a job loss or a breakup, leading them back to their childhood bedrooms. It’s almost like life pulled a fast one on them and shouted, “Surprise now for the main menu and courage flies out the window and they back in the bedroom. You’re back!”

But it’s not just about the reasons for the U-turn; it’s also about what happens next. Enter the human parasites, a subcategory of Nest-Nesters who take shamelessness to a whole new level. These individuals don’t just move back in; they stake their claim on every square inch of the house.

Some set up their headquarters in the basement, complete with a mini-fridge and an impressive collection of video games, and not to forget the cable installation straight to the basement. They even have a flag with a rubber chicken on it. Why? That’s because they’re officially the “Basement Binge-Watching Brigade.” And they’ve got a strict ‘no salad’ policy because, come on, who needs veggies when you’ve got popcorn, pizza, and more snacks than a convenience store at 2 AM? These folks are turning the basement into their own ‘Late-Night Laugh Lounge,’ deteriorating as a responsible adult as they’re serving up comedy with a side of chaos!

Others are the “Room Raiders.” They push their loving and trusting parents into the smallest, least desirable room in the house while they take over the main suite. Surely, we have all heard these stories!  It’s a battle of wills, and these Nest-Nesters are freebie fiends determined to win. They live without shame, daring their parents to utter the fateful words, “It’s time to move out, or the long-winded words, just get the hell out.”

But wait, before we wrap up this comedy special and declare these U-turners official members of the “Return-to-Sender Club,” let’s not forget to explore potential solutions for U-turners and preventive measures for trusting parents.

Ultimately, we realize that empathy, understanding, and support go a long way. After all, who knows when we might find ourselves charting those waters, we never thought we would? The U-turners remind us that life’s journey is full of surprises, and sometimes, it’s okay to laugh along the way.

But wait, before we wrap up our expedition into the world of Nest-Nesters, let’s remember to explore potential solutions for U-turners and preventive measures for parents.

For U-turners Pending on Borrowed Time:

Financial Planning: Let’s start with financial planning. Creating a detailed budget and financial plan can help U-turners gain better control of their expenses. Remember, folks, financial independence is the goal here. So, start budgeting like a pro. You might even become the next financial guru!

Skill Development: U-turners, use this time wisely. Acquire new skills or further your education. We’re talking about online courses, vocational training, and becoming the super-creator of your career. You’ll be soaring higher than a budget-conscious eagle in no time.

Open Communication: It’s time for some real talk, U-turners. Have open and honest conversations with your parents about your goals and plans during your stay. And remember, it’s not a debate about how to make you comfortable; it’s a collaboration. Its only hard work by the U-turner that can make the U-turners dream work.

Savings Plan: My dear pals, saving, and investing are your golden tickets to future independence. So, folks, let’s talk about this magical journey. Start saving and investing, even if it’s just a teeny-tiny portion of your income.  Now, hold on a minute! Are we returning to the good old days when rent prices were as manageable as a budget sitcom? In today’s world, 80% of your income won’t even get you a cozy nook in a trendy city neighborhood. But fret not! Whatever little nugget you can squirrel away, consider it an investment in your epic U-turn success story. One day, you might be the proud owner of a classic sitcom collection and a cozy little nook of your own!

* As a precautionary note, let’s get one thing straight – we’re not financial planners, lawyers, or even master illusionists (because lying would be the real magic trick here). So, don’t start counting those pennies and raising your judgmental eyebrows. This one’s all on you, my friend.

Please think of us as friendly neighborhood non-experts here to sprinkle a little financial wisdom with generous humor. Just remember, if things go south, you can’t blame us – but hey, we’ll still be here with a virtual shoulder to cry on!

For Parents, Caretakers and those considering parenting anyone:

Set Expectations during those earlier years: Parents, it’s time to set some ground rules. Clear expectations about responsibilities, chores, and the game plan for the future help and maintain a harmonious living arrangement. “And remember to have a ‘no permanent pillow fort in the living room’ is a perfectly okay rule to have. We love their creativity, but we also need somewhere to sit!”

Supportive Environment: Create a nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and independence. You have the power to be the wind beneath their wings while keeping the nest cozy, if that makes any sense.

Financial Education: If you’re up for it, provide your children with some financial education or research other alternative programs or institutions to educate them. Teach them about budgeting, saving, investing, and how to manage their finances responsibly. Who knows, you might have the next Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs, or those Rothchild’s in your family! No pun intended!

Encourage Independence: Parents, you can also gently nudge your U-turners toward independence by setting milestones or timelines for moving out. It’s like giving them a gentle push on their U-turn journey.

So, the next time you encounter a Nest-Nester or find yourself contemplating a U-turn, remember this: life is an unpredictable adventure, and sometimes, the best response is a good laugh and a little empathy, or maybe a hotline to the local comedy club. Because, let’s face it, maintaining sanity in a house full of U-turners can be a daily riddle. And don’t worry, there’s no need to call the police – unless you want to report a case of extreme non-cynical jokes.

And as we chuckle our way through life’s U-turns, let’s also remember to support, educate, and encourage those who might need extra guidance. After all, we’re all part of the same comedic sitcom, just trying to figure out the punchline together. And if we can’t figure it out, the time clock has shown the hand pointing towards the door – or maybe the remote control – and it’s time for a spin-off series. Who knew family life could be this entertaining?” After all, we’re all part of the grand comedy show, Life, and sometimes, a hearty laugh is the best punchline of all.

Just for the records, while these U-turners are not knowing they are building upon their own Akasha records, these are a few signs of behaviors that require our attention when addressing those signs of high-risk behaviors exhibited by U-turners:

  1. The Closet Crasher: You know you’ve got a U-turner when your walk-in closet mysteriously transforms into their second bedroom. Their clothes, shoes, and a collection of hats suddenly invade your wardrobe space. Don’t be surprised if you find them hiding there, claiming it’s a “private meditation chamber.”
  2. The Fridge Fiend: Your once-well-stocked fridge now has a mysterious black hole that food disappears into. U-turners treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet, devouring your leftovers, favorite snacks, and that unique cheese you saved for a special occasion. You’ll even catch them trying to label their name on the milk carton as if it’s summer camp.
  • The Couch Commando: The living room has been taken hostage, and the couch has become their throne. U-turners rule with an iron remote control, watching back-to-back episodes of reality shows while you plot your covert mission to retrieve the TV.
  • The Laundry Larcenist: Suddenly, your laundry load has doubled, and you’re finding your clothes mysteriously missing or mixed in with theirs. They claim they were “helping” with the laundry, but it feels more like a clothing swap at a flea market.
  • The Pet Ploy: U-turners might suddenly express a deep love for pets, pushing you to adopt a menagerie of animals you never thought you’d own. You’ll find yourself with three cats, two dogs, a parrot, and for some a pot-bellied pig, all because they “needed emotional support.”
  • The Mystery Muncher: Food disappears from your pantry faster than a magician’s rabbit, or a dog that barks with three different languages. You’ll discover secret stashes of chips, cookies, and candy hidden in their room as they attempt to stockpile for the impending apocalypse.
  • The Phantom Phone Charger Thief: U-turners have a knack for mysteriously acquiring every charger in the house. Your chargers vanish into thin air, only reappearing in their room as part of their impressive collection.
  • The Wi-Fi Wizard: They magically become IT experts when they move back in, offering to “fix” your Wi-Fi but somehow make it even worse. Now, you can only connect to the neighbor’s router named “GetYourOwnInternet.”
  • The Binge-Watcher Extraordinaire: U-turners take binge-watching to a whole new level. They’ll dive into TV shows so intensely that they start having full-blown debates with the characters on screen. You’ll hear them arguing with the TV as if their sage advice will save the day. And trust me, they get so loud that you’d think they’re in a heated argument with an entire sitcom cast. It’s like living with a one-person live studio audience, complete with applause and laughter – all at the wrong moments!
  1. The Midnight Microwave Marauder: Forget about sleep; U-turners treat the microwave like their midnight snack dispenser. Popcorn at 2 AM? You bet! They’ll even try to make a gourmet meal in there.

11. The Perpetual Dependent: This U-turner is the one who seems to have no intention of ever being independent. They view their parents’ home as a permanent refuge, refusing to take responsibility for their own lives. No basement, attic, or garage is off-limits if it means avoiding the real world. Because the realities of real life have wiped the smile off of the U-turners face.

12. The Eternal Job Seeker: This U-turner claims to be on a job hunt but has a knack for finding excuses to explain why they haven’t landed one. Their applications mysteriously vanish, interviews never materialize, and they persistently claim that work is unavailable.

13. The Master of Exaggeration: This U-turner magnifies life’s difficulties, never missing an opportunity to color their lies with tales of skyrocketing rent, gentrification, and rezoning. Every inconvenience becomes an insurmountable obstacle, and their narratives are more creative than accurate.

14. The Credit Cruncher: Poor credit is a perpetual excuse for this U-turner. They promise to stay long enough to rebuild their credit, but their credit report remains untouched three years later. Begging and pleading are their tools of choice when extending their stay.

15. The Parent Blamer: This U-turner makes their parents feel like the bad guys. When it’s time to call an end to the adulting layover, they point fingers and give blame. And if you let these U-turners continue to run amok, pointing fingers at all the wrongs of their parents, their list of complaints about what Mom and Dad didn’t do for them will be endless. Those eternal optimists argue that their parents don’t understand or support them while forgetting their refusal to forge their path! They’re the type to complain that their parents haven’t built them a golden inheritance, completely missing that it’s not meant to be a “Get Out of Hustle Free” card but a future safety net. It’s like they’re expecting a parental retirement plan when all they need is a little nudge toward adulthood! “These folks have a black belt in blaming and a Ph.D. in procrastination. 😄 But then again, the movie ‘Get Out’ might have a point of reference here. When enough is enough, finding your place in your parents’ home may require some teacup clicking – to remind the adulting children that it’s time to move on and fly the nest!” 

16. The Custodial Returner: This U-turner arrives with children in tow after a breakup or divorce, claiming they’re returning home to care for their parents. While this may sometimes be true, it can also be a way to avoid financial responsibility and childcare expenses.

17. The Eternal Freeloader: The recidivist U-turner has a track record of never quite getting it together. They make repeated returns, each time with promises of change that never materialize all the way up to their 60th year and beyond. They become expert hustlers, indefinitely, relying on their parents’ generosity.

18. The “I Won’t Be a Problem” U-turner: This U-turner claims they won’t be a burden and will offer to help with everything but rarely follow through. They contribute nothing towards living expenses, chores, or groceries and expect their parents to cover every inch of their bills, including cable and cell phones.

19. Ah, the “U-turners” who treat their parents’ car like a perpetual amusement park ride but never contribute to the upkeep, fuel, or insurance bills. Some even go the extra mile and become secret agents of chaos, sneaking off with the car without permission! It’s like they’ve joined a secret society of automotive hijinks, with parents as their unwitting sponsors.

These U-turners each bring their challenges and behaviors to the table but share a common reluctance to embrace independence. While their antics may test the patience of even the most understanding parents, it’s important to remember that empathy and support, coupled with clear expectations, can help these individuals eventually find their way forward. After all, sometimes a little tough love and a gentle nudge are needed to get the U-turners back on track toward self-sufficiency.

Yes, there is, the in all be all U-turners that comes with a sign of caution, we wish you good luck with that!

Ultimate U-Turners: The Heist of Gaming Their Parents

In a world full of unexpected twists and turns, a unique breed of individuals exists, the ultimate U-turners. These folks don’t just take a U-turn; they make it an art form, turning the return to their parents’ homes into a full-blown heist of epic proportions. Get ready to meet the “Heist Masters” of gaming their parents with style and flair.

The Budget Bandits: These U-turners are the true masters of disguise. They arrive home, declaring themselves “financially responsible,” but then swipe their parents’ wallets and raid the fridge with ninja-like stealth. In their world, avocado toast is a luxury, and a budget is just a list of items they plan to buy with someone else’s money… eventually.

The Skilled Swindlers: Meet the U-turners who turn their parental abode into a den of skill development. Armed with online courses and vocational training, they proclaim themselves experts in everything from underwater basket weaving to quantum physics. If only their parents knew their newfound expertise didn’t extend past YouTube tutorials.

The Communication Con Artists: These U-turners excel at the art of open communication… or so they claim. They engage in nightly “family meetings” to discuss their “goals” and “plans,” but it often feels more like a hostage negotiation, with demands for increased allowances and an unlimited supply of chicken nuggets.

The Savings Scammers: Ah, the savings plan. U-turners in this category convince their parents that they’re diligently saving, but they’re stashing away a collection of rare Pokémon cards and vintage action figures. Future independence might be their goal, but so is completing their trading card collection.

The Parental Puppeteers: These U-turners treat their parents like marionettes on strings, pulling them this way and that with their every whim. Need a ride to the mall? They’ve got it covered. Want a latte from that fancy coffee shop? The parental puppeteer snaps his or her fingers, delivering it with a flourish.

The Financial Illusionists: Financial education is their forte, or so they claim. They dazzle their parents with talk of stocks, bonds, and investment strategies, but they’re just playing a virtual stock market game on their smartphones. The only thing multiplying is their screen time.

The Motivational Manipulators: These U-turners have mastered the art of encouragement, motivating their parents to undertake grand projects like home renovations or exotic vacations. Little do their parents know, they’re just trying to create the ultimate gaming lair in the newly renovated basement.

The Gradual Getaway Artists: The U-turners employ the gradual getaway technique. They set elaborate timelines for moving out, promising to leave once they’ve achieved vague milestones. Meanwhile, they’re plotting how to stretch those timelines into infinity.

So, as we wrap up our exploration into the world of these “Heist Masters” of gaming their parents, let’s remember that life’s journey is full of unpredictable adventures. It’s not just about laughing at their antics; it’s also about finding ways to enjoy the ride and teaching them a thing or two about the real world.  After all, U-turners may be experts in the art of gaming their parents, but life has its own set of rules and surprises, and it’s ready to throw them a few curveballs along the way.

These profiles illustrate the wide range of challenges that parents may face when their adult children return home unexpectedly. The transition from raising a child to dealing with an adult who has lost their way can be unexpected and challenging. Parents may find themselves in a situation they never anticipated, navigating complex dynamics, and competing with a personality they did not originally groom.

The “expected but unexpected” scenario highlights that once children become adults, they may evolve in ways parents couldn’t foresee. Navigating these complex family dynamics can test patience, boundaries, and communication. While the challenges are real, with understanding, clear expectations, and potentially seeking professional guidance, families can work towards finding common ground and supporting each other through these unexpected transitions.

But here is a critical disclaimer: as a parent, if you don’t have the time or patience to entertain these patterns of excuses, it is essential to address these matter-of-fact concerns before allowing the U-turners back into the home. You have a right to freedom, peace, and respect in your home. Establishment of not only boundaries but also legal contracts for the stay. These binding contracts will safeguard against wasting your time providing support and love. After all, children have no human right to abuse the power of love from their parents.

Critical Disclaimer: Safeguarding Your Rights as a Parent

As a parent, your home is a sanctuary of freedom, peace, and respect. While your love and support for your children are boundless, you must also recognize that you have rights. When considering the return of adult children, or those who never left, it’s imperative to address certain matters of fact and establish clear boundaries to protect your interests and your family’s well-being.

1. A Legal Contract for their Stay: Before allowing U-turners back into your home, consider the implementation of binding legal contracts.

2. Boundaries and Expectations: Establish clear boundaries and expectations from the outset.

3. Respect for Your Home: Emphasize respecting your home and its occupants.

4. Freedom from Abuse: You have a fundamental right to freedom from abuse, manipulation, or exploitation.

5. Unwavering Love: Children hold a special place in a parent’s heart, but love does not equate to enabling unhealthy behaviors.

Remember, these signs are all in good humor and part of the U-turner charm. While their behaviors may be somewhat contrary, it’s essential to approach the situation with understanding, communication, a loaded wallet, and a dash of laughter. After all, living with a U-turner is an adventure filled with unexpected twists, just like life itself.

A Riddle for the Heart: Save-a-Parent, Save-a-Life (and Have a Good Laugh While You’re at It!)

A Riddle for the Heart: Save-a-Parent, Save-a-Life

“Remember this riddle, let it play in your head,

It just might save time when you’re filled with dread.

I’m a mystery, a puzzle to unfold,

A quirky charm, a story yet untold.

In your home, I’ll take a detour,

A U-turn that you can’t ignore.

I’ll raid your fridge both day and night,

And turn your walk-in closet out of sight.

With Netflix battles, I’ll fill the air,

Arguing with characters without a care.

Who am I, this enigmatic guest?

A U-turner, indeed, put to the test.

But remember, with laughter as our guide,

We’ll face this twist in life’s wild ride.

And don’t claim to be a U-turner; never raised,

A whole different person in adulthood phase.

From childhood memories, they’ve made their way,

To U-turner status, come what may.

Refusing responsibilities, they choose not to roam,

In the land of U-turners, a place called home.

To solve this riddle, and in humor, confide,

For with laughter, together, we’ll joyfully ride.”

Laughter is the magical portal that helps us navigate the complexities of life, even when faced with the unexpected return of adulting (U-turners) children. It’s all in good humor and a deep well of love for our eccentric, ever-surprising families.

Stay Engaged with The Nest-Nesters: Life’s Unpredictable U-Turners”

(I Will Live Off My Parents -types of people):  At, we steadfastly believe that the pursuit of knowledge is an eternal voyage, and our unwavering commitment is to empower individuals on their voyage of self-discovery and enlightenment. We are thrilled to capture your interest by sharing a series of works from “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, expansion of works extracted from our extensive catalog of life’s observations.

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