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Predator Types of People

A Growing Concern Today

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. @ and

Published on September 13, 2024

Authors: Pierpoint and Pierpoint

Predator Types of People A Growing Concern Today

In our current social climate, we find ourselves surrounded by various types of people, some of whom exhibit predatory behaviors. These “predatory types of people” are not just a figment of imagination but an unfortunate reality that can profoundly affect individuals, communities, and even the nation at large. With their ability to manipulate, control, and exploit, these predators can be found in all corners of society, impacting everything from our healthcare systems to our food industries, from open borders to local communities, creating significant strains on our nation’s fabric. We must steadily give an eye to exploring these predator personalities, their behaviors, and how their influence has become increasingly pervasive in our daily lives.

But first, let us voice our concerns about another type of predator that is often less visible yet incredibly dangerous to the very core of a functioning democracy: political prostitutes. These individuals are not bound by principles or the duty they owe to the people they represent. Instead, they kneel before those who pay them, abandoning their responsibility to serve the public in exchange for financial gain and personal power.

Politicians are beholden to their handlers—corporate giants and financial elites like APEX, BLACK ROCK, and others whose influence runs deep through the political system. These handlers control policies, laws, and regulations that determine the fate of millions while bypassing the needs of those who trust these politicians.

This allegiance is not to the public but to those who fund campaigns, pay bank accounts, and promise power.

The most significant strain this creates is the disconnect between the public’s needs and the actions of those in office. These political predators manipulate laws and systems while simultaneously controlling the gateway to ensure their continued dominance.

This disturbing alliance between political prostitutes and corporate predators accelerates the erosion of public trust in governance. Their decisions often lead to policies that benefit a few whiles leaving the majority at risk—economic inequality, restricted healthcare access, housing affordability, or national security. With these figures playing their roles behind the scenes, the very foundation of justice, fairness, and the protection of the people begins to crumble.

While the predator types of people we explore in this essay wreak havoc on a more visible level, it is critical not to ignore the role these corporate and political predators play in shaping a society that allows other predators to thrive. If the people who are meant to be the protectors and guardians of a nation’s principles are instead puppets controlled by their financial backers, what hope is there for justice? The impact of these compromised figures resonates deeply in every corner of society, influencing predatory practices that target the most vulnerable.

From the healthcare system to the food industry, from the border crisis to community predators, while recognizing that some of the most dangerous predators wear suits and ties and sit in the halls of power, making decisions that endanger the future of our nation.

There are several other major corporations, institutions and special interest groups to list, however, we will leave those for future write-ups.

Predatory Behavior with Open Borders

The topic of open borders is a sensitive and often contentious one. However, there is no denying that the lack of strict regulation has allowed not just genuine migrants and refugees to cross into nations but also those with predatory intentions. Some individuals take advantage of the system’s vulnerabilities to engage in criminal activities such as human trafficking, smuggling, and organized crime. These predators exploit the systems designed to help the vulnerable, using compassion to fulfill their malicious goals.

While it’s essential to extend a helping hand to those seeking a better life, addressing the predators who see open borders as an opportunity to prey on those weaker or unfamiliar with their surroundings is equally essential. As a result, our healthcare systems, social safety nets, and even housing markets feel the strain, overwhelmed by the increased pressure these predatory behaviors create. Criminal acts, such as identity theft, scams, and organized crime, threaten citizens’ security and undermine trust in governmental institutions.

Let us not forget the senseless loss of life and the tragic killings of citizens at the hands of illegal “aliens” immigrants who exploit our borders. Additionally, illegal immigrants are being encouraged to enter our borders from all corners of the nation by politicians and special interest groups. These acts of violence leave a gaping wound in the hearts of families and communities. Each life lost to this type of predator not only represents a personal tragedy but also contributes to a broader crisis concerning over-all national safety and security. We must recognize the profound price of this loss—how it diminishes our trust for the safety of our families and homes, our communities’ sanctity, and our responsibility to protect one another.

Predators in Our Healthcare System

Predator types increasingly targeted the healthcare system, a vital pillar of our nation’s well-being. Whether it is fraudulent billing, the exploitation of loopholes in healthcare coverage, or manipulative schemes that prey on vulnerable populations, predators have found ways to capitalize on the intricacies of this complex system. These actions not only drain resources but also cause harm to patients who may already be in compromised health situations.

Healthcare predators often operate under the guise of healthcare providers but are more interested in profit than patient welfare. With the current strain placed on the healthcare system—especially considering recent global health crises—these individuals or groups only intensify the challenge of delivering quality care to those who genuinely need it. This behavior has led to mistrust and even fear among those relying on the healthcare system for survival and well-being.

Predators Within the Food Industry

The food industry is no stranger to predatory practices. From misleading labeling to dangerous shortcuts in food production, the well-being of consumers is frequently jeopardized for profit. Predators in this sector capitalize on the growing demand for affordable food, often compromising safety and quality standards. As a result, consumers are left with food products that may be harmful, adulterated, or falsely advertised as healthy.

Let’s face it: this strain on the system goes beyond just individual health—entire communities can suffer the consequences of these predatory practices, particularly marginalized populations who may not have access to safer, more expensive alternatives. Lax reporting on ongoing concerns, the foods, poor regulation enforcement, and misinformation all contribute to the continued success of these predators, leaving consumers vulnerable to health risks, obesity, and malnutrition.

Predatory Behavior in Housing

Housing is one of the most basic human needs, yet it has become a playground for predators. The skyrocketing costs of living and housing have created fertile ground for predatory landlords, lenders, and developers who seek to take advantage of individuals and families at their most vulnerable. Predatory lending, for example, traps individuals in cycles of debt, making it nearly impossible for them to achieve financial stability.

The rise in real estate speculation, the gentrification of low-income neighborhoods, and the manipulation of housing markets have also left countless families homeless or struggling to afford basic accommodations. This strain on the housing system has ripple effects across entire communities, leading to an increase in crime, homelessness, and economic instability.

Community Predators: A Closer Threat

Predators aren’t always far from home. They exist in our communities, sometimes even within our families. These individuals often use their position of trust and authority to exploit those around them. In many cases, they target the emotionally vulnerable, such as children, the elderly, or those who are struggling with mental health issues. These community predators use manipulation, coercion, and sometimes violence to achieve their goals, leaving their victims with lasting emotional, physical, and psychological scars.

We must also acknowledge the predators who do the unthinkable prey on the very children who are meant to carry forward our lineage. Our children, who represent the future of our communities, are vulnerable to predatory individuals who seek to harm, exploit, or manipulate them. The question must be asked: why are we sitting instead of standing to take action to protect our most asset—our children, our legacy? These predators also seek out older people, exploiting their vulnerabilities and targeting those who have lived long enough to deserve protection and honor, not harm.

The Predator Types of Personality: A Psychological Insight

What defines a predator-type personality? These individuals often spend significant time honing their strategies, watching and waiting for the perfect opportunity to exploit weaknesses in others. They thrive on control, manipulation, and dominance, frequently appearing calm and charming while carefully hiding their true intentions. The predator seeks out vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their victims—whether emotional, financial, or physical—and once they’ve latched on, they do not let go until they’ve gotten what they want.

These personalities are not just opportunists; they are strategic, sometimes spending years cultivating their schemes. The unsettling truth is that predator personalities exist everywhere—in our personal lives, the professional world, and every corner of society. They are willing to go to great lengths to achieve their goals, often without regard for the harm they cause others.

Sound In-Sight: A Call to Action

We cannot sit idly by, watching the fabric of our society be torn apart by predators—whether they are individuals who cross our borders with malicious intent, healthcare fraudsters, or manipulative figures in our communities. We must stand, not sit, and take action to protect ourselves, our children, our elders, and our communities. We must defend the sanctity of our homes and the security of our nation, no matter the consequences, for if we fail to protect ourselves first, life becomes meaningless.

This is about survival and standing on the principles of Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Truth. We must defend these values, not only for ourselves but also for future generations. Without them, we are vulnerable to predators who seek to tear apart everything we hold dear.

Ultimately, we must remember that the game of life is filled with all types of personalities. Some individuals seek to uplift and support, while others seek ways to exploit and dominate. It is our responsibility to stay mindful, to protect our boundaries, and to work towards creating systems that reduce the power of these predators. By doing so, we can create safer environments for ourselves, our families, and the future of this nation.

The epidemic of predatory behavior in our society extends beyond borders, healthcare systems, and housing markets. It creeps into the very fabric of our communities through the devastating presence of sexual predators. This is perhaps one of the most unspeakable forms of violence plaguing our nation today. We are witnessing an alarming rise in heinous acts against women and young girls—what we should rightly call our babies. These predators are not only violating the bodies of our loved ones but also robbing them of their innocence, dignity, and lives. It’s not just an assault on individuals; it’s an assault on the moral soul of our nation.

Sexual Predators: An Escalating Crisis

The escalation of sexual violence has placed countless families in mourning and driven fear into the hearts of communities. These predators operate under the radar, often not apprehended, and cause immeasurable harm. The most horrific part of this epidemic is that many of these predators remain uncaptured, evading law enforcement and continuing their destructive spree. This is a crisis we can no longer ignore. It demands awareness and urgent action from every individual, family, and community to protect our women and girls.

Sexual predators who rape and unalive our daughters, our wives, our sisters, and our mothers represent a brutal form of predatory behavior that leaves physical, emotional, and psychological wounds that may never fully heal. The very soil of this nation feels tainted by the acts of these vile individuals who take advantage of societal cracks, legal loopholes, and, in many cases, a system overwhelmed by the sheer number of these crimes.

A Nation Unarmed and Vulnerable?

Amidst this crisis, another pressing concern cannot be ignored. Many politicians, either misguided or willfully ignorant of these dangers, have instigated debates and policies to disarm the American public. This drive to disarm law-abiding citizens comes at a time when sexual predators and violent criminals are more emboldened than ever. How can we sit back and trust that those same politicians, who cannot or will not protect us now, will save us later once we are left defenseless?

This is not a theoretical or abstract issue but a matter of survival. The cost of one’s life is determined by the worth you place on it. If we surrender the tools of protection, we put our trust in a system that has already failed so many. Do we expect them to save us later once we are unarmed? The answer is painfully clear: No.

The harsh reality is that the very people advocating for disarming law-abiding citizens have shown time and time again that they cannot effectively address the dangers we face today. If they are unwilling or unable to protect us while we have the means to defend ourselves, how can we expect them to stand up for us once those means are stripped away? The critical truth is that if we do not take responsibility for our safety now, we will have no one to rely on when the wolves knock at our door.

Perhaps we should further investigate how illegal immigrants are protected under federal laws. This might help answer why law enforcement seems to be stepping back from their civic duties to protect the nation’s citizens and, supposedly, the Republic. How deep does this rabbit hole go? Why are certain groups left vulnerable to exploitation by illegal immigrants? Are socio-economic factors being manipulated, with directives on whom to target and whom to avoid? Like the phrase, “Your neighborhood, not my community.”

What are the long-term consequences of strategies rooted in divide, conquer, and corruption, potentially leading to population reduction? Are these illegal immigrants being hired by their handlers to execute missions that disrupt nations, unaware that they, too, will suffer the consequences of their actions in the future? Amidst this chaos, how deep is too deep? Who are the real winners, and who has already lost?

To address any of these questions, it is evident that our nation faces an urgent situation that demands a critical examination of current policies and societal divisions.

The True Cost of Inaction

As citizens, we must place the utmost value on our lives and the lives of our loved ones. The rising tide of predatory behavior, especially sexual violence, is not something that can be confronted with mere political rhetoric or empty promises. It requires us to stand tall, take decisive action, and refuse to be victims. We must recognize that safety and security begin with self-preservation. In a world where sexual predators are lurking in every shadow, disarming the public is not just dangerous—it is reckless.

The debate about personal defense is not just about the right to bear arms; it’s about the right to self-determination—the right to protect oneself, one’s family, and one’s community. It’s about ensuring we are not helpless when the worst happens. In the face of predators who prey on the weak, the innocent, and the unprotected, there can be no compromise on personal safety.

A Call to Action: Protecting Ourselves, Our Children, and Our Nation

We must ask ourselves: Are we going to sit idly by while our daughters, wives, and mothers continue to fall victim to unsounding sexual predators? Will we allow ourselves to be disarmed by politicians who have proven they cannot protect us? Or will we take a stand and defend the principles of Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Truth?

The cost of doing nothing is far too high. Our actions to protect our lives—and the lives of our children and elders—determine their worth. If we fail to act and allow ourselves to be stripped of our ability to defend ourselves, we are complicit in eroding the freedoms that define this nation.

Now more than ever, we must stand tall. We must demand that those in power take action to protect our communities and ensure that predators are brought to justice. But more than that, we must take ownership of our safety and refuse to relinquish the tools that allow us to defend ourselves and our loved ones.

Deep-Rooted Suggestion:

A Call to Action for Self-Empowerment and Vigilance

As we continue to witness an increase in predatory behavior in all facets of our society—whether through sexual violence, exploitation of systems, or criminal activities—it becomes imperative that we no longer wait for external saviors. The time for action is now, and the responsibility to protect ourselves and our communities lies in our own hands.

The predators do not care about laws, boundaries, or moral obligations. They operate in the shadows, often unnoticed, until their actions leave an indelible mark of harm. We cannot afford to remain passive, hoping someone else will solve our problems. The protection of our children, our women, our elders, and ourselves is our most sacred duty.

To do so, we must embrace a two-pronged approach: vigilance and empowerment. Vigilance means being aware of the threats around us—whether they come from physical predators, exploitative systems, or political forces that seek to weaken our ability to defend ourselves. Empowerment means taking control of our destiny through individual action and collective resistance.

To clarify, this is not a call for chaos but for preparedness. We must educate ourselves, train ourselves, and become self-reliant. Waiting for others to step in after the damage is done is no longer an option. We must proactively protect the future—our children who carry our legacy, our elders who represent our history, and ourselves who stand as guardians of freedom and justice.

The value of our lives is determined by the effort we put into safeguarding them. We can only create a society rooted in Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Truth by standing tall in adversity. Let this remind us that every action we take today is a step towards a safer, more substantial tomorrow.

Pending Conclusion: Standing on Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Truth

The predators among us—whether they are those crossing borders with ill intent, those committing sexual violence against our women and children, or those manipulating the systems we depend on—must be confronted with the full force of our vigilance and resolve. The battle for our nation’s future is not just about laws and policies; it is about the soul of our society.

If we truly stand for Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Truth, then we must also stand for self-defense, accountability, and the protection of our families. Let us always remember that the worth of our lives is in the value we place on them, and our future lies in the strength we exhibit today. Inaction is not an option, and complacency will not protect us from the predators that threaten our lives, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness.

Freedom is not a passive state—it must be actively preserved. In a world where corporate interests, powerful lobbyist, and political corruption threaten to undermine the people’s will, vigilance and knowledge become the most potent tools citizens have at their disposal.

To protect our rights and ensure the safety of our communities, we must:

  • Remain vigilant in observing who is in power, what they are doing, and who is influencing them.
  • Stay informed about our rights and the laws that protect them, ensuring we are prepared to stand against any attempt to erode them.
  • Actively participate in the political process, ensuring that those representing us truly serve our interests, not those of a select few.

In a free nation, our home, the people are the ultimate guardians of their freedom, and freedom is preserved for future generations through vigilance, knowledge, and active participation.

In short, the cost of your life is the worth you place on it—and part of that worth is ensuring that those in power genuinely work for the public, not for the highest bidder.

Profound Disclaimer:

The information in this essay, blog, or discussion is only intended for educational and awareness purposes. It illuminates the importance of personal and communal safety, the recognition of predatory behaviors, and the critical need for self-empowerment in the face of growing threats.

While this content promotes vigilance and the protection of oneself and loved ones, it does not suggest engaging in any unlawful activities, nor should it be interpreted as a call for violence. The recommendations for self-defense and community protection are to be executed within the confines of the law and with a commitment to non-aggression unless faced with clear and present danger.

The views expressed in this discussion emphasize the importance of individual responsibility, but they do not substitute for professional legal advice, law enforcement procedures, or mental health guidance. Readers are strongly encouraged to seek out trained professionals—whether in law enforcement, legal counsel, or mental health services—when dealing with predatory behavior, violence, or threats of harm.

This essay further recognizes the complexity of societal issues such as open borders, criminal activity, and sexual violence. While it calls for more stringent measures to protect vulnerable populations, it does not advocate for any form of discrimination, stereotyping, or unlawful actions against any demographic group. It is essential to approach these challenges with compassion, fairness, and a commitment to justice, ensuring that human rights are upheld at every stage.

Finally, the reader is reminded that self-worth and the value of life are inherent and should be protected above all else. However, balancing self-defense with moral responsibility is critical in the pursuit of personal protection. The use of force, if ever necessary, must be proportional to the threat posed, and preserving life should always remain a priority.

Our perspective appeals to conscious awareness, urging readers to stand for Love, Peace, Freedom, Justice, and Truth. We must foster resilience in the face of growing threats while ensuring that ethical considerations remain at the forefront of our actions.

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