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The Nature of Our Thoughts

By Adm. Liaison, JayP, at,


Published on December 29, 2023,

The nature of our thoughts raises profound questions about the ownership and transience of our mental processes. Do our thoughts genuinely belong to us, or are they borrowed momentarily? When we fail to engage and apply our thoughts in the manifestation process, do these thoughts return to a collective pool of ideas, ready to be seized by others? This concept invites us to contemplate the transient nature of thoughts and their profound impact on our reality when we consciously harness and utilize them.

One intriguing avenue of inquiry is whether our thoughts act as a bridge or barrier between our conscious and subconscious minds. Is the thought process an artifact, a construct created by the brain to facilitate a more comfortable version of reality? Do we shape our thoughts to fit within the confines of our daily comfort zones, or do our thoughts originate from a deeper, more profound place within us, akin to a dialogue with our higher selves?

To explore these questions further, we must consider the roles played by our psyche’s conscious, unconscious, subconscious, and super-conscious aspects. Each of these layers contributes to the intricate mosaic of our being, influencing our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors in distinct ways. Understanding the interplay between these mental dimensions is crucial in unraveling the complexities of human consciousness.

Fear is a powerful emotion that can significantly influence our thought processes, particularly in our subconscious. Fear can distort our judgment and decision-making when contemplating whether to heed or dismiss specific thoughts. The relationship between fear and our thoughts deserves careful examination, as it can profoundly impact our psychological well-being.

However, several other sensory and cognitive properties contribute to our conscious and subconscious minds, shaping our thoughts and perceptions.

Our sensory experiences, including seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and feeling, are fundamental aspects of our conscious and subconscious minds. These senses provide the raw data that our brain processes to form thoughts and perceptions. We should address this fundamental aspect that drives our thoughts.

Seeing: Visual input plays a crucial role in our thought processes. What we see can trigger memories, emotions, and associations, affecting our conscious and subconscious thoughts. Various therapies and techniques often use visual stimuli to access and influence the subconscious Mind.

Smelling: it closely links the sense of smell to memory and emotions. Certain scents can evoke strong memories and emotions, consciously and subconsciously, impacting our thoughts and decision-making.

Hearing: Auditory experiences, including sounds, music, and voices, have a direct influence on our thoughts and emotions. Music therapy, for instance, leverages the power of sound to access and influence the subconscious Mind.

Tasting: Taste sensations are tied to our memories and emotions as well. The flavors and textures of food can evoke specific memories and feelings, affecting our thoughts and behaviors.

Feeling: Physical sensations like touch and bodily reactions can trigger conscious and subconscious thoughts. For instance, the sensation of warmth or coldness can affect our mood and thinking.

Thinking and Reasoning: Cognitive processes, including conscious thinking, reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making, are intrinsic to our conscious Mind. However, these processes also interact with our subconscious mind. The thoughts we actively generate can influence our subconscious, shaping our beliefs, attitudes, and habits over time.

Our conscious and subconscious minds continuously process many sensory inputs and cognitive activities. These inputs are interconnected and can influence each other in complex ways. For example, a sound (hearing) or an image (seeing) may trigger a specific memory (thinking) associated with a particular smell (smelling), which then affects our emotions (feeling), ultimately impacting our conscious and subconscious thoughts.

This interconnectedness is subject to the intricate relationship between sensory experiences, cognitive processes, emotions, and subconscious thoughts. Recognizing the influence of these properties on our thought processes can lead to a deeper understanding of our behaviors, motivations, and the mechanisms that shape our conscious and subconscious minds.

In the constant stream of thoughts that occupy our minds, it is pertinent to question whether these thoughts are mere noise, directing our emotions and actions without conscious awareness. Thus, understanding the power and influence of our thoughts over our lives is a critical aspect of self-awareness and personal growth.

Furthermore, the discomfort some individuals experience when left alone with their thoughts raises intriguing questions about the human need for external stimuli and distractions. What drives this aversion to solitude, and how can we learn to find comfort and introspection within ourselves?

In the realm of thoughts and their influence on our lives, the constant stream of thoughts occupying our minds may sometimes appear as mere background noise. This noise can subtly shape our emotions and behaviors without our conscious awareness. Some studies in cognitive psychology, such as the work of Daniel Kahneman in “Thinking, Fast and Slow” (2011), shed light on the dual systems of thinking, where automatic, subconscious processes often guide our decisions and actions.

Understanding our thoughts’ profound power and influence over our lives is a matter of self-awareness and an essential aspect of personal growth and well-being. Research in positive psychology, as highlighted in Martin Seligman’s book “Authentic Happiness” (2002), explores how cultivating a positive mindset and directing our thoughts toward optimism can lead to a more fulfilling life.

Moreover, delving into our minds’ metaphysical and psychological dimensions can offer valuable insights into the human experience. Works by Carl Jung, such as “Man and His Symbols” (1964), delve into the depths of the unconscious Mind and its archetypal symbols, contributing to our understanding of the psychological facets of thought.

To further explore these intricate topics, one can draw from a diverse range of references and footnotes spanning various disciplines:

  1. Psychology: Books like “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg (2012) delve into the formation and transformation of thought patterns.
  2. Neuroscience: Oliver Sacks’s “The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat” (1985) provides insights into the neurological basis of thought processes.
  3. Philosophy: The works of philosophers like René Descartes (“Meditations on First Philosophy,” 1641) and Immanuel Kant (“Critique of Pure Reason,” 1781) offer philosophical perspectives on thought and consciousness.
  4. Spirituality: Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now” (1997) explores the role of thought in spiritual awakening and mindfulness.
  5. Neuroplasticity: Shad Helmstetter, Ph.D. “The Power of Neuroplasticity” (2013) explores the scientific discovery that every thought you think rewires your brain and changes your life.
  6. Breathwork: Simone Chantree’s “Breathwork” (2021) delves into breathing exercises, techniques, and guided meditations to improve health, optimize lung function, and relieve stress.
  7. The Science of Mind: Ernest Holmes, Introduction by Jean Houston, Ph.D. “The Science of Mind” (1997) explores the empirical nature of science, the profound insights of psychology, and the wisdom from the great philosophers.
  8. Dr. Phil Valentine, Doctor of Classical Naturopathy-Hygienic Science; Grand Master of the KeMetaphysical Sciences;, and co-founder of the University of Kemetian Sciences – Institute for Self-Mastery and Whole Wellness Live explores a plethora of excellent philography on various subjects, including the science of metaphysics.
  9. The Mystery of Man, Professor Hilton Hotema, in “The Mystery of Man” (1963), says, “Delving into the Mind is not material nor a material product. There is and must be One Universal Mind. There is a Universal Ego expressing consciousness in and through every human brain. The human Mind is simply a reflection of the dynamic cosmic consciousness.

Understanding the power and influence of our thoughts over our lives is a critical aspect of self-awareness and personal growth. Finally, exploring the metaphysical and psychological dimensions of our minds is an endeavor that can yield valuable insights into the human experience. Drawing on references and footnotes from psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and spirituality can provide a rich nexus of perspectives on these profound questions.

In sum, exploring our thoughts, their impact on our lives, and their deeper dimensions is a multidisciplinary journey that can offer profound insights into the human experience. By delving into the complexities of consciousness, the relationship between our thoughts and emotions, and the role of fear and solitude, we can unravel the mysteries of the human Mind. Indeed, by integrating research from psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and spirituality, we can solve the human Mind’s intricate web and its connection to our broader metaphysical and psychological existence.

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