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Topic: Many Shared that They Sick of This “Shyte”

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. at

Published on April 3, 2024

Authors: Pierpoint and Pierpoint

Topic: Many Shared that They Sick of This “Shyte”

Introduction: Embracing the Madness of Misunderstanding

In the chaotic windmill of human interaction, a peculiar phenomenon exists—a madness of misunderstanding that pervades our conversations, relationships, and societal narratives. It’s a topic many have lamented, expressing their weariness with what they perceive as “shyte” in the realm of communication and comprehension.

The shared sentiment of being sick of this “shyte” (cesspool) speaks volumes about the prevalent frustrations and challenges we face in conveying and grasping meaning effectively. It’s not merely about language barriers or misinterpretations; it creeps into how assumptions, biases, and preconceived notions cloud our understanding.

Imagine a world where every word spoken, every gesture made, and every expression conveyed is susceptible to distortion and misalignment. It’s a world where the clarity we seek often eludes us, replaced by a tangled web of mixed signals and misconceptions. But perhaps, amidst this madness, there lies an opportunity—a chance to explore the intricacies of human communication, to dissect the roots of misunderstanding, and to uncover strategies for navigating this living-web of linguistic chaos.

While we stroll along on a hilariously enlightening adventure into the heart of this must-have brand of madness and confusion. Together, let’s untangle its absurdities, tackle its wild challenges, and unearth the transformative magic of clarity in the midst of chaos. We solemnly swear to keep our focus on peeling back the layers of surrendered insights, even if we occasionally trip over our own shoelaces of wisdom! After all, understanding the madness may reveal the keys to unlocking greater empathy, connection, and harmony in our interactions. With newfound insights let us begin to decode the “shyte” that plagues our shared experiences and seek a more precise understanding.

We look around, observing the naturality of nature, the nobility of various species, and those animals free to roam freely, like having a free range, not being under control and able to embrace their natural habitat, utilizing their animal instincts. We notice that the animals are not set on a manufactured movement timeline. Or, are they?

When we glance at the majestic creatures known as cats, we can’t help but envy their carefree attitude, or at least admire them. They seem to lead themselves effortlessly, even while being pampered by a pet owner. And let’s face it, they definitely don’t punch in on a time clock for their daily purr-suits. It’s time we take a cue from our feline friends and prioritize putting things into “purr-spective” in our own lives!

Feeling exhausted from all this nonsense, especially when we watch the animals of the earth strolling around without a care in the world. It’s like they’ve unlocked the ultimate “zero worries” cheat code, leaving us humans questioning if we missed making humans wonder if we missed out on something! Are we just going overboard, assuming we must hustle hard to keep up with the Joneses, not realizing they might have a secret stash of unicorn gold funding their extravagance? And who’s the mastermind behind this whole ideology automating us this idea that we must do what we’ve been told that we gotta do” scheme? It’s like a gang of mesmerizing chickens hypnotized us into believing their every cluck and peck!

Who created the five-day work week, with work from 8 to 4 pm, 9 to 5 pm, 4 pm to midnight, and midnight to 8 am, with several differentials scheduled to account for? Who designed a systematic system that has created an enslaved workforce, who are never really free, while giving us the illusion of a fair workplace with two days off on the weekends as long as we return to work on the scheduled workday?

Who conjured up this mysterious workforce that ensnares us all with the pretentious notion that every dollar represents a hard day’s work? Seriously, who came up with that? The dollar is a paper with no natural value, just a shiny promise leading to an illusionary dreamland. Meanwhile, gold, silver, and other precious minerals, including our humans’ cosmic energies, are locked up tighter than a drum, held hostage by the elite few who must have a thing for shiny stuff!

We are tired of this Shyte that wears on our body and mind, that somehow, if we work harder, everything that we desire and dream will be manifested not for us but by others.

We are tired of this Shyte that wears on the mind when our natural talent and visions to do for the Self have been hijacked, if not robbed, by outer forces who never took an interest in our well-being. The outer forces enforce their programs upon the population to make sure they remain a slave population to serve those nobilities/elites/aristocrats/autocrats for many of them.

There is no telling whether those of us who tend only to be free will still need to search within ourselves to learn what freedom is if we remain tied to a system that strangles our mobility to be free.

We are tired of the illusion that somehow acquiring those so-called great institutions of higher education installs into the mind that a degree higher or lower level is separating one from another on the same food chain—the chain that remains in control by those inbreed nobilities.

We see that money is not money when not backed by tangible goods such as silver, gold, or other precious minerals or metals. Some would argue that money is traded by the currency of human blood, organs, and sweat, which may be valued higher than gold. Do you understand that depending on their usage, human beings could serve higher on the commodity level, and with some traded on the market daily?

Let us go back to yesteryears when our fellow denizens of the cubicles and corner offices alike! Let’s chuckle at the grand puppet show we call the 9-to-5, the grand theater of the gainfully employed.

Once upon a recent century, an economic magician named Henry Ford cast a spell and conjured the 40-hour work week—presto!—turning free-spirited humans into timecard-punching pixies. With a wave of his industrial wand, and voila, eight hours for work, eight for rest, and eight for what we will—or so the incantation went.

Looking from the inside, we assess the glass and behold the curious creatures of the corporate jungle:

The Caffeine Conjurers, whose mystical brew turns the bleary-eyed into spreadsheet warriors.

With a flick of their wand (or a click of their Zoom link), the Magician can make hours vanish into thin air.

The Copy Machine Charmers engage in arcane battles with the paper-jam demons. Hmm, it still needs to be paid.

The Cubicle Clerics cast protection spells for privacy in the open-plan temple of toil. Yet, this illusionary freedom has a time limit.

The Email Enchanters, whose inboxes overflow with chains of incantations (CCs) and curses (SPAM).

Behold, the mighty workers, shackled not by chains but by the illusion of a two-day weekend—a mirage in the desert of the workweek.

What happens to these noble creatures when the elixir of youth wears off? They become Retired Rangers, wandering the wastelands of what-ifs, their minds, and bodies inscribed with the tales of toil.

In their youth, they were free spirits, taught to dream and build castles in the sky—only to realize they were constructing someone else’s empire. Shadowy figures appropriated their visions of grandeur. In their later mature ages, they are left to ponder alone, untethered from the time clock that propelled them for years and decades, only to be worn out and replaced by another, more invigorated youth waiting for their turn within this manufactured hegemony.

The Boardroom Brotherhood.

And so, as we contemplate our existential enchainment, one might wonder, is this grand pageantry for us or the Hidden Hand Highborn? Our dreams are programmed, our aspirations downloaded, and our wills synced to the tremendous cosmic calendar of commerce.

Here’s to questioning the very foundations of our paper fortress. Remember, comrades, in the grand marketplace of life, the most precious currency isn’t gold or silver—it’s your very essence.

So, are you ready to cash in on some cosmic consciousness, or will you remain an obedient oracle of the office? To toil or not to toil, that is the question!

We ask you to explore how to tame your inner workhorse, find your spirit animal (a cat napping on your keyboard), and maybe cast off the shackles of the societal spell. Funny or not, let’s move on!

Until then, keep your wits about you and your coffee mug full. May your days off be many and your to-do lists… well, doable. And always remember, in the outstanding ledger of life, the only entry that genuinely matters is happiness and the fact that you should continue to create life purposes. Hmm, what the future holds for most is not a game to be played but a preparation.

Allow us to share our Storytelling: The Future of Work and Preparation.

As we navigate the maze of the 40-hour work week and societal conditioning, it’s crucial to look ahead and consider what the future holds for the workforce. With advancements in technology and automation, many jobs are at risk of being replaced or reduced in the coming years.

Imagine a world where robots and AI take over repetitive tasks, leaving humans to focus on creative and strategic endeavors. While this may sound like a utopian vision, it raises concerns about job security and the need for continuous learning and adaptation.

Awareness of these job market shifts gives us a strategic advantage. Instead of being caught off guard, we can proactively prepare ourselves for the changing work landscape. This preparation includes upskilling in less susceptible areas to automation, fostering creativity and innovation, and cultivating resilience in the face of uncertainty.

Furthermore, we must advocate for policies and practices that prioritize the well-being of workers in this evolving work environment. This includes shorter work weeks, flexible schedules, and equitable opportunities for all individuals to thrive in their chosen fields.

While the future of work may seem uncertain, one thing is clear: preparation is essential. By staying informed, adaptable, and proactive, we can navigate the shifting tides of the workforce with confidence and resilience.

Missing in action, lost time with loved ones—spending hours with children yet failing to build memories to pass along to future generations. What about working yourself closer to the grave while drowning in debt? It’s like trying to live vicariously through celebrities programmed into your life for years, making them seem more significant than yourself and your family. The missing piece? Love that you never cultivated for yourself, neglecting to know yourself honestly. It’s never about working more competent; it’s about clinging to resistance, fear, past attachments, and unexamined beliefs’ alchemy of true purpose.

Are you tired of dealing with the same old “shyte,” never realizing there’s no one greater than you, no one to compete with but yourself? Own your right to leadership; remember, you’re the author of your actions and words, not someone to hire and blame for your faults. Don’t forget—you’re active twice, in the invisible and visible realms, failing to stamp your reality. Isn’t it time to stop waiting for the inevitable slam of doors with a pink slip or a cold email confirming our departure from a firm we once trusted with our dreams? Let’s start honing those skills now, the tools that will shape our future and empower us to navigate any challenges that come our way. It’s a stark reminder that agreements with organizations are often one-sided, where our best interests take a backseat to their agendas. 

Isn’t it exhausting dealing with this kind of nonsense, the real “shyte” that undermines our aspirations and potential? It’s time to take charge and build our paths rather than relying on entities that may not have our best true interests at heart.

When we talk about suggestions we invite into our lives, we dive into a realm of influence and decision-making that can significantly shape our experiences and outcomes. Here are a few key points to consider:

Awareness of Suggestions: It’s essential to be aware of the suggestions we invite into our lives. These suggestions can come from various sources such as media, friends, family, society, and even our thoughts. Being conscious of what suggestions we entertain allows us to filter out negative influences and focus on what aligns with our values and goals.

Discernment: Not all suggestions are beneficial or aligned with our best interests. Developing a sense of discernment helps us evaluate suggestions critically. We can ask ourselves questions like: Does this suggestion support my well-being? Does it align with my long-term goals? Is it based on facts or just opinions?

Personal Responsibility: Ultimately, we are responsible for the suggestions we accept and act upon. Taking ownership of our choices empowers us to make decisions that lead to positive outcomes. It’s important not to blame external suggestions for our actions but to recognize our agency in accepting or rejecting them.

Impact on Mindset: Our internalizing suggestions can significantly impact our mindset and beliefs. Positive and empowering suggestions can boost confidence, motivation, and resilience. On the other hand, damaging or limiting suggestions can create self-doubt, fear, and a sense of limitation. Cultivating a positive internal dialogue and surrounding ourselves with uplifting suggestions can contribute to a healthier mindset.

Choosing Empowering Suggestions: Actively seeking out and embracing empowering suggestions is a proactive approach to personal growth and development. This includes reading inspiring books, listening to motivational talks, surrounding ourselves with supportive and encouraging people, and practicing self-affirmations.

As noted, being mindful of the suggestions we invite into our lives, exercising discernment, taking personal responsibility, nurturing a positive mindset, and choosing empowering suggestions can contribute to a more fulfilling and purposeful life journey.

What lays ahead for our Foreseeable Storytelling and The Future of Work and Preparation

Skill Shifts: Consider the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Jobs that require repetitive tasks or data processing are increasingly automated. However, roles that involve creativity, emotional intelligence, and complex problem-solving are in high demand. Consider how individuals can pivot their skills to align with these emerging job trends.

Gig Economy Dynamics: The gig economy has transformed traditional employment models. Freelancing and remote work are becoming more common, offering flexibility, and requiring self-discipline and entrepreneurial skills. How can individuals adapt to this gig economy landscape and create sustainable careers? We suggest everyone continue to do their due diligence in researching these areas of concern. Still, it’s your free will, so research away or binge-watch a favorite sitcom—whatever tickles your research fancy! Just remember, if you drift too long, there may come a time when it doesn’t matter anymore.

Green Economy Opportunities: With growing concerns about climate change, green industries like renewable energy, sustainability consulting, and eco-friendly products are rising. How can workers transition into these sectors and contribute to a more environmentally conscious future? We recommend to our audience that they keep leaving their cosmic footprints in addressing these matters. Otherwise, someone else might swoop in and grab those footprints, like free samples of orange juice at brunch!

Healthcare and Aging Population: As populations age, healthcare industries, particularly eldercare and gerontology, are expanding. There’s a demand for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and technology solutions for aging populations. How can individuals prepare for careers in these vital sectors? Oh, we had better get cracking on finding solutions and resolutions for these concerns, or before you know it, Elon Musk would have conquered the energy sector and started selling rockets as a side hustle! Oh, Shyte, Elon Musk is already well into the rocket-selling business as a “side hustle”!

Tech and Innovation Hubs: Tech hubs worldwide, such as Silicon Valley, are hubs for innovation and entrepreneurship. Individuals with tech skills, such as coding, UX design, and digital marketing, have abundant opportunities. How can aspiring tech professionals position themselves for success in these dynamic environments?  Remember, time is like a ripe avocado—once it’s ready, it’s ready! Each of us is like a sprinkle of seasoning, adding flavor to how life unfolds for us and humanity. So, let’s not waste time—spice things up and make a difference!

Remote Work Revolution: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to remote work. Companies are reevaluating their office setups and embracing hybrid work models. What skills and tools are essential for thriving in a remote work environment, and how can individuals adapt to this new way of working?

While we aspire towards a brighter future for humanity, it’s essential to acknowledge a harsh truth: not everyone will find themselves above the rising waters. Big Tech, large corporations, streamlined governments, and other institutions we have relied on meticulously over generations are closing doors. So, the question becomes: what collective and individual actions will we take to ensure survival in the present and future?

Global Connectivity: The interconnectedness of the global economy means that opportunities and competition come from around the world. How can individuals leverage technology and cross-cultural communication skills to collaborate effectively in a globalized workforce?

Life-Long Learning: Continuous learning is no longer optional but essential for staying relevant in a rapidly changing job market. Lifelong learning platforms, online courses, and professional development opportunities are abundant. How can individuals embrace a mindset of continuous growth and skill enhancement throughout their careers?

So again as we continue to plug at addressing these matters, why wait for the inevitable slam of doors with a pink slip or a cold email confirming our departure from a firm we once trusted with our dreams? We must start honing those skills now, the tools that will shape our future and empower us to navigate any challenges that come our way. It’s a stark reminder that agreements with organizations are often one-sided, where our best interests take a backseat to their agendas. Isn’t it exhausting dealing with this kind of nonsense, the real “shyte” that undermines our aspirations and potential? It’s time to take charge and build our paths rather than relying on entities that may not have our true interests at heart.


In exploring this topic, references to various authors can provide valuable insights. Consider works by Aristotle, The Secret Teachings of the Ages, James W. Lee, and Hilton Hotema, among others, to deepen the understanding of how suggestions and influences impact our lives. Authors such as Ivan Antic, Dr. Phil Valentine, Dolores Cannon, Janetha Pierpoint – Time-Less Voices, Before I Fall Asleep, A Compilation of Poems, and Billy Carson offer diverse perspectives on this subject. 

This reflection draws upon themes of self-empowerment, resilience, and navigating professional challenges. It echoes the sentiments of various authors and speakers, including motivational figures and authors. These references contribute to a broader discourse on reclaiming agency and pursuing authentic paths in the face of systemic challenges and organizational dynamics.

For this essay episode, please visit our Website,, and check out the “Building Your Support Team, Building Wealth, and Services” icon under the Service Banner.

Stay Engaged with “Topic: Many Shared that They Sick of This “Shyte””:  At and, we steadfastly believe that the pursuit of knowledge is an eternal voyage, and our unwavering commitment is to empower individuals on their voyage of self-discovery and enlightenment. We are thrilled to capture your interest by sharing a series of works from “Time-Less Voices/Before I Fall Asleep, expansion of works extracted from our extensive catalog of life’s observations. Continue to join us on this uproarious journey into the lives of ‘Topic: Many Shared that They Sick of This “Shyte” as we explore the absurdity of our ceaseless quest for external validation into the future.

We invite you to stay tuned for more of our work, shared on our platform/blog, where we excavate deeper into our perspective and presentation of works. These works will support your journey of self-discovery and provide moments for reflection. By remaining engaged with our website, you will have access to a treasure trove of resources, engaging discussions, and a supportive community dedicated to pursuing knowledge and personal growth.

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The End of Work (Jeremy Rifkin, 1995)

The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global (Jeremy Rifkin)

Ivan Antic – The Process of Realization – A detailed description of the process of every kind of realization, the law of attraction, from quantum fields and mind, to the matter

Ivan Antic – Physics of Consciousness – In the Quantum Field, Minerals, Plants, Animals and Human Souls

Coleman, Dr. John, What You Should Know About the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights

Coleman, Dr. John, The Committee 300

Hotema, Prof. Hilton, The Great Law

Valentine, Dr. Phil, also Dr. Phil Valentine – DVDs and Books: The Wounded Womb, The Psychology of Evil in Man; Shadows of the Dark Exposed; Paradigm Shift: Ascension Strategies; Demelanizing The Afrikan Mind; Metaphysical War on Humanity, Spectra Glyphs, Star Codes and Secrets to Illumination; Manipulation of Instinct and the Biochemical Destruction of Consciousness; The Effects of Slavery is Deep Within you; Operation Death March: Hurricane Katrina Part 1 and 2; History of Christianity: Vampires of Consciousness; Lockdown U.S.A.: The Metaphysics of 21st

Keith, Jim, Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness

Tilateralism – The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning Management Edited by Holly Sklar

The Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin

En Route to Global Occupation by Gary H. Kah

Zbigniew Brzezinski – The Grand Chessboard

Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill

After America – Get Ready for Armageddon by Mark Steyn

The Art of Deception and An Introduction to Critical Thinking by Nicholas Capaldi and Miles Smit

Cannon, Dolores,  The Convoluted Universe: Book Two

Pierpoint, Janetha – Time-Less Voices. [Title of Janetha Pierpoint’s Work]. Publisher, 2023. [Title of the Compilation Book], edited by Archway Publishing – Time-Less Voices. Publisher, 2023

Carson, Billy – Title: Woke Doesn’t Mean Broke by Billy Carson

Compendium of the Emerald Tablets: A Beginners Guide, by Billy Carson

Billy Carson has a host of other entities that require attention for one’s personal research, including his platform of lectures, documentaries, and events.

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