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A Child Went Missing This Morning

Missing Child Within

Liaison, JayP, at,

Published on December 13, 2023

In the early hours of today, a child went missing. This child was not lost to the world in the physical sense but, instead, had vanished into the depths of their own soul. This was a child of remarkable qualities, a child who embodied innocence, compassion, wonder, and an insatiable curiosity. Their spirit was zealous and proactive, with an energy overflowing with abundance.

This missing child was not just any child; they were a philosopher of life, an insightful observer of the world around them. While they were often seen as playful, they remained a watcher, a harbinger of truth, carrying the wisdom of ages past. They were a storyteller, weaving tales from ancient times, and a freedom fighter in the present, challenging the constraints of the modern world.

The child who went missing was a pillar of hope, a creator of dreams, an innovator, and a doer. Their spirit was ever-present, never truly lost, yet it seemed absent from our daily lives. We mourn the loss of this child, but perhaps they were never missing at all.

Maybe they were lost in the sands of time, swallowed by the demands of a life that did not nourish their soul but only quickened their thirst for meaning. This missing child was, in reality, a casualty of a life spent in pursuit of pleasing others, neglecting the crucial task of self-care.

They may have become lost in the dense forest of hope, failing to chart their own course and devise their own agenda. This missing child did not vanish this Morning; they had been absent for a long time, hidden behind a mask of adulthood, while the true essence of their inner child remained neglected, unfed, and unexplored.

The child who went missing is not truly gone; they are the child within each of us, struggling to break free from the shackles of conformity and expectation. They embody our unfulfilled desires, the dreams we left behind on our journey to adulthood.

Lost in the relentless pursuit of fulfilling the expectations of others, we inadvertently abandoned our own dreams and stifled the growth of the child within us. We became so engrossed in building the platforms of others, in doing what society deemed “right” or “successful,” that we neglected the voice of our inner child, the beacon of our true desires and authentic self.

It is time for us all to reflect and take heed of this message, for within each of us lies a missing child, yearning for self-discovery and self-expression. Let us not forget the child within and allow them to flourish once more, for it is in nurturing our inner child that we find true fulfillment and purpose in life. Only then can we become the creators, innovators, and doers we were meant to be.

But what if we were to find that lost child within us? What steps would we take? Would we have the courage to step aside, relinquish control, and allow that child to flourish in the brilliance they envision for themselves? Or would we continue to be the watchers, mere spectators of our own lives, dutifully following a life-script that was authored by someone else?

These questions cut to the core of our existence, challenging us to reflect deeply on our life’s purpose and path. They demand that we confront our choices, the compromises we have accepted, and the dreams we have deferred.

Are we content to be passengers in our journey, merely going along with the motions? Or do we possess the audacity to reclaim our autonomy and grant ourselves the freedom to pursue our aspirations?

The child within us is not merely a spectator; they are the architects of our wildest dreams, the custodians of our most profound aspirations. To honor this child is to keep our authentic selves and acknowledge that we are meant for more than the roles assigned to us by society or the expectations of others.

As we navigate the perplexity of our lives, let us remember to ask ourselves these profound questions. Let us consider whether we are living in alignment with our true purpose or merely following a script written by others. The child within us holds the answers, waiting patiently for the moment we grant them the freedom to lead us toward our unique greatness.

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At, we firmly believe that knowledge is a continuous journey, and our unwavering commitment lies in empowering individuals on their path to self-discovery and enlightenment. If “A Child Went Missing This Morning/Missing Child Within” has ignited your curiosity and left you eager for more insights into this essential topic, we invite you to stay connected with us.

We also encourage you to let go and journey the passageway to defining a greater you. The journey of exploration rewards the curious and the determined. We also encourage you to become a prescribed member of the website to utilize all its resources.

As you delve into greater understanding of your life while refining and collecting those life experiences, say to yourself as often as you could with defining words, “I will never quit on myself, because I do not stand alone.” Together, we will uncover the layers of wisdom, insight, and self-awareness that await those who embark on this transformative journey.

Let be your guide as you navigate the path of self-discovery, and may your pursuit of knowledge lead you to profound insights and a deeper understanding of the profound connection between the Self and our ancestors.

Body of Work Referenced by Authors J. Pierpoint and Victor Pierpoint, from their works, “Before I Fall Asleep Proverbs and Parables Volumes I – XII. When you communicate with yourself in the still of quietness, answers will reveal themselves.

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