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When Parenting Fails and Conversations Turn Sour

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. @ and

Published on September 21, 2024

Authors: Pierpoint and Pierpoint

Blog Title: The Power of Words:

When Parenting Fails and Conversations Turn Sour


“A woman who had become a mother once cast had harsh words toward a motherless woman, claiming that without having children, she could never understand the essence of motherhood. Yet, no one should speak such hurtful words, especially woman to woman, to shame those who are without children. Motherhood extends far beyond the act of giving birth—many women nurtures and create life in ways that go beyond the physical. Rarely do we stop to ask if those who have given birth genuinely embody the loving role of a parent. Casting shame to win an argument reveals a shallow understanding of what it means to be a woman. To shame another is to invite the critique of one’s own heart and soul.”  Pierpoint n Pierpoint

When Parenting Fails and Conversations Turn Sour

Have you ever been in a situation where someone casually drops an unwelcome comment, sparking an internal debate on whether to walk away or hand them a verbal wake-up call? Picture this: a woman, proud of her motherhood, decides to throw harsh words at a motherless woman, saying that without children, you could never grasp the essence of motherhood. Yikes! It’s an all-too-common scenario that exposes the fragility of human interaction when respect and empathy are thrown out the window.

Motherhood Goes Beyond Birth

First things first—motherhood isn’t just about giving birth. It’s about nurturing, providing, and building a foundation of love and understanding, not only for your children but for others, too. Some women nurture in ways that have nothing to do with biological children. They mentor, care for others, and show compassion in ways that embody motherhood’s true essence. So, when someone uses motherhood as a weapon of superiority, it raises a bigger question: Are they embodying what it means to be a parent?

Failure to Parent: The Consequences of Hurtful Words

We all know that parenting isn’t just about raising a child—it’s about showing up with kindness, empathy, and the ability to teach by example. But what happens when someone who is supposed to be a parent casts hurtful word? That failure to be a birth parent doesn’t just affect the person targeted—it reflects poorly on the individual dishing out those words. Yet, the insulted often hold back to voice their response words, recognizing the delicate climate we continue to experience, where many have fallen deep into the rabbit hole of mothering and parenting without genuine connection or purpose.

Case in point: Look at many of our children today. Observe their neglect, the absence of love, and the lack of support. These are not isolated occurrences. They reflect the collective failure of many to initiate genuine care. Let’s also look at the failure of many to execute appropriate choices in their relationships, parenting, or other life endeavors. Of course, we could keep pushing the envelope of dysfunctional circumstances, but let’s be clear about the consequences:

  • Damaged relationships: Hurtful words can leave lasting scars, creating division where understanding could have flourished.
  • Self-inflicted wounds: Casting shame and judgment can invite reflection, often leading to the realization that you’ve acted out of insecurity or malice.
  • A ripple effect: Your children—whether they hear your words directly or indirectly—are watching and learning. Your actions shape their understanding of empathy, kindness, and conflict resolution.

Support for the Better

But not everyone who spews venomous words is a hopeless case. Some people genuinely don’t know better, and others don’t care enough to reflect on their actions. So, what do you do when faced with someone without regard for their words or consequences? Here’s the good news: humor can be your best defense.

Here’s an idea—respond with laughter! Sometimes, you must tell someone their argument is ridiculous and not worth a severe reply. Laugh it off, or use a playful, lighthearted comment like, “Well, I didn’t know motherhood had a VIP club. Guess I missed the invite!” By showing that their attempt to wound you missed the mark, you keep your dignity intact and take the wind out of their sails.

And here’s a reality check for the ones dishing out the hurtful words: Words are actions. They hold weight. They can lead to uncomfortable situations and awkward confrontations. The intention behind your words matters. When used thoughtlessly, they create harm. When used wisely, they can heal or inspire.

Questions to Ponder

  1. What would you do if someone made a hurtful comment about your personal life choices?
  2. How would you respond if someone criticized your lack of experience in a particular area (like motherhood)?
  3. If you’ve ever caught yourself saying something unkind, did you reflect on it later? If so, how did you feel?
  4. What’s your go-to method for deflecting negative comments? Do you respond with humor, empathy, or something else?
  5. How would you feel if your children (or someone you mentor) repeated your harsh words to someone else?

When a Verbal War Is Unleashed

There are moments when words are used like ammunition, and an innocent conversation turns into an all-out verbal brawl. You’re standing there, speechless, wondering, “Did they just say that?” Or, if you’re feeling particularly bold, you might be gearing up for a comeback. Either way, these situations call for some reflection. Ask yourself: Is this worth my energy?

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is avoid unnecessary conflict. You can’t control what someone says, but you can control how you respond. The real power lies in choosing peace over petty disputes.

Pending Conclusion: Words Matter, Use Them Wisely

At the end of the day, words carry a lot of weight. Whether you’re a parent or not, how you treat others defines you far more than any title you hold. It’s time to move away from petty arguments and hurtful comments and embrace conversations that build others up. Shaming others doesn’t elevate you; it just reveals your insecurities. Choose to speak from a place of kindness and understanding. The world could use more of that.

So, the next time someone tries to start a war with words, choose your actions carefully. Whether you respond with humor, empathy, or silence, your reaction will define the conversation—and maybe even teach a lesson or two.


This blog is meant for reflection and self-awareness, encouraging thoughtful and empathetic communication. It does not endorse or advocate for conflict escalation or harmful behavior. The scenarios discussed are fictional and meant to illustrate the impact of words and actions in social interactions. Readers are encouraged to approach difficult conversations with mindfulness, respect, and the intention of fostering understanding.

Precautionary Warning

Be mindful of your words as they carry lasting effects. What may seem like an innocent or justified comment can have unintended emotional consequences? Engaging in a war of words can lead to unnecessary conflict, resentment, and relationship damage. Choose your words and actions carefully to avoid awkward or harmful situations. Always aim for kindness, patience, and understanding when addressing sensitive topics, especially when engaging with others who may have a different life experience.

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