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Are We Not Tired of the Same Ohl, Same Ohl

Title: A Game Within a Game

By Admin. Liaison, JayP & V.P. at

Published on May 9, 2024

Authors, Pierpoint and Pierpoint

Title: A Game Within a Game

A game within a game is a captivating concept, fundamentally about maintaining control. This control is a numerical game, a stark calculation of who and what gets sacrificed first. When considering human beings, imagine them as cards dealt and lined up for a play they still need a script for. This game, however, is different from what it seems. It’s a game of deception, where the rules are hidden, and the players are unaware of the stakes, adding to the intrigue and mystery.

Unbeknownst to them, these individuals are part of a grand scheme orchestrated by the ‘elites’ and /or ‘banksters, ‘the main actors in this performance. Their agendas, however, remain shrouded, adding to the intrigue of this seemingly never-ending game that promises to obliterate the divides of skin tone, yet covert operatives abound, masquerading as allies.

The ceaseless game questions: Who will manipulate the masses effectively enough to leap ahead by two steps? We confront this ‘endgame’ as the banksters artfully distract from their schemes, subtly unloading stocks while dictating our lives’ rhythm, censoring our movements, and defining our debts. Are we finally recognizing our long-standing manipulation by powers unseen and undetected, still under the yoke of colonizers who have merely modernized their methods of herd control?

This game’s pervasive ‘illusion of control’ is a crucial theme. It makes us believe we own homes, cars, careers, and even ourselves and our children. These are but roles we play, and we are convinced that they elevate us within society.

Yet, how often must we jolt ourselves from this reverie? Ignoring the machinations is tempting when they are not directly acknowledged, leaving us unaware of the puppeteers, our societal gathering hosts. The banksters, the so-called elites, and their cohorts in high places relentlessly play this game, using the populace as pawns to sustain their dominance.

Please stay focused as we get deeper into the abyss of trying to understand “A Game within a Game” critically and metaphorically examines societal control mechanisms and power dynamics. Let us explore that individuals are unwitting players in a larger scheme orchestrated by the “elites” or “banksters,” who manipulate societal outcomes to maintain dominance and control. These attempts of manipulation extend into various aspects of life, such as economic systems, media, and personal freedoms, under the guise of normalcy and ownership.

Let us take into consideration the following points:

Historical Context: The historical evolution of power structures and how they have shaped current societal norms and systems provides a timeline of control dynamics.

Psychological Impact: We should analyze the psychological effects on individuals participating in this “game.” Discuss how awareness or lack thereof impacts mental health, personal identity, and social relations.

Economic Analysis: What we should know about the economic theories behind market manipulation and financial controls exerted by the elite. Engaging in discussions on stock market dynamics, economic inequalities, and the role of financial institutions.

Resistance and Change: How individuals and groups resist these control mechanisms highlights historical and current movements that challenge the status quo and advocate for systemic change. We are not destined to lose this game. By understanding the rules and the players, we can empower ourselves to change the game. 

Philosophical and Ethical Considerations: We should consider the ethical implications of such a “game.” We should have further tea and coffee talks on the philosophies of freedom, determinism, and responsibility.

Global Perspective: Expand the discussion globally, considering how these dynamics play out differently in various cultural and political contexts. This is not just a local game but a global one. The tactics may vary, but the goal remains the same: maintain control. Understanding these global dynamics is crucial for our collective empowerment. Future Implications: Speculate on the future of societal power. What trends are emerging? How might technology like AI and big data alter the game?

We are approaching what may be considered the endgame and consider the start of a new game, where the banksters meticulously divert your attention from their subterfuge—quietly unloading their stocks—yet still retaining their grip over managing your lives. They masterfully censor your movements and dictate the debts you owe. Are we genuinely facing the endgame when we come to the realization that our apparent emancipation from the dominance of unseen powers was never truly accomplished? It is a startling revelation that perhaps we remain under the control of modern-day colonizers who have skillfully morphed their tactics for mass control into something resembling herd stabilization.

The illusion of autonomy is a clever disguise. As we navigate through life believing we own our homes, cars, careers—even our very selves and our children—we merely play parts in a script others wrote. This facade convinces us that we hold a special place in society, providing direction and nourishment to our families under the guise of freedom and prosperity.

Yet, how often should we challenge this realization? How frequently must we confront the uncomfortable truth that the control we believe we evade is, in fact, firmly guiding us? We often disregard the reality as mere fancy, a subplot in engineered control by the absolute rulers of our society—the banksters, the so-called elites, and their allies in high places, including the high church and the monetary system. They will not easily forsake the gamification of society, using the populace as pawns to maintain and amplify their power.

We must weigh the potential endgame scenario where traditional power holders—the so-called hosts or hostesses of society—find that the populations (referred to here as “Sources”) they once controlled are no longer of significant marketable value. As these Sources evolve and their economic utility diminishes in the eyes of these power brokers, their role and impact within the system undergo a fundamental shift.

The Sources in question, having become aware of their manipulated roles, start to actively challenge the structural constraints imposed on them—like wages that do not keep pace with inflation, disproportionate taxes, and an escalating cost of living. They become increasingly confrontational, questioning every level of legislation that fails to serve their interests, and pushing back against the market dynamics of inflation and enforced law and order.

Looking to the future, one can envision a society where traditional economic interactions are replaced by a system of barter or minimal resource exchanges. In such a society, long-standing divisions such as race or color lose their former significance, overshadowed by more urgent needs related to survival and basic utilities. This shift signifies a profound transformation in societal priorities and structures, where the very basis of economic value and social organization is radically altered.

The necessity for a societal reevaluation of value—not just economic, but intrinsic human value—prompts a deeper understanding of the potential for systemic change driven by grassroots awareness and action.

Could we, should we agree that this envisioned endgame permeates our society with a deceptive sense of autonomy. Consider a homeowner who has paid their entire mortgage yet grapples with property taxes. This individual believes that they have more freedom than others lower on the socio-economic ladder, seeing themselves as ahead of those who, in their opinion, have fewer skills and ownership of things. However, this belief masks a critical misunderstanding: they, too, may lack specific capabilities or advantages held by those they presume to surpass.

In this scenario, the game is not merely about possessing or controlling tangible assets but involves a deeper, more insidious manipulation of perceptions and values. It challenges us to rethink the meaning of genuine autonomy and freedom when we find ourselves tangled in a web of perpetual obligations and societal hierarchies, even affecting our perceived ownership and independence.

This reflection challenges the reader to consider the broader implications of control and freedom in a society where economic and social structures are intricately designed to maintain a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many.

Unaware that the fundamental languages of life, history, law, politics and truth have been systematically obscured, many remain ignorant of the fact that the true endgame remains elusive when you believe your knowledge is complete. Many remain ignorant of their mental instability—a result of a carefully orchestrated revelation of their manipulation, the divisive tactics used to categorize them as mere dividends in society’s ledger, and their exact standing as citizens within a larger scheme.

This strategy to sow discord is no accident; it is a deliberate ploy designed to maintain a society rife with disorder. A system steeped in rigid creeds, marked by apathy towards ethnic diversity (which itself serves as a manipulative tool), and an educational system rife with propaganda all contribute to a broader strategy of control. The promise of elusive rewards—’ the gold on the other side—serves as a distraction, a trick to keep the population waiting and hoping, while strategic moves in this societal chess game continually disempower the masses.

This form of governance promotes mental instability and a perpetual state of helplessness among the most vulnerable, placing them in the most precarious positions imaginable. Only through the keen observation and understanding of these mechanisms can we begin to see how deep the game goes and how its stakes affect every facet of our lives.

This expanded reflection aims to underscore the manipulative tactics used by those in power to perpetuate control and to encourage a more profound understanding of the systemic forces at play that keep the populace in subdued compliance and vulnerability.

The endgame has been thrust upon our society by the maneuvering hands of the influential—banksters, stockholders, and those who control wealth creation. They orchestrate the extraction of wealth in all forms, including what people commonly misunderstand as money. These are merely fiat notes—symbols of value rather than value itself. This grand deception is a game in which we knowingly and unknowingly participate, driven by a false narrative that incites desire for what others, such as the proverbial Joneses, seemingly possess.

The true nature of the endgame reveals itself when individuals who once believed their lives to be stable—grounded in lands they took pride in, cultivated, and where they sought healing—are now facing the reality of being replaced in a shifting economy. This alerting revelation we face serves as a wake-up call, or for many found sleeping on “time” itself.

We must reassess and critically evaluate what this endgame means on various scales: individually, within families, across social groups, and at the national level. Such reflection is crucial for understanding the broader implications of our economic and social systems and identifying how we might reclaim or redefine what is truly valuable in our lives.

We aim at challenging the reader to think critically about the structures of control and manipulation within economic systems and to consider personal and collective responses to these challenges. It encourages reevaluating what constitutes wealth and stability in a rapidly changing world.

Our perspective on the ‘endgame’ concept should not be static or conclusive. Instead, it necessitates ongoing brainstorming to devise viable solutions and resolutions to its challenges. It’s imperative to critically consider the lessons imparted by these systemic issues and determine the key takeaways that can inform our actions.

What can be learned from these discussions, and how can these insights facilitate reconstructing a restored and improved society? We must focus on repurposing and reevaluating the systems and structures that demand immediate attention. This requires recognizing which areas need reform and deciding if and where our energies should be concentrated.

Our perspective, we should begin to encourage a proactive approach to societal challenges, urging us to move beyond mere critique to implement strategies that foster resilience and sustainable development. By embracing a forward-thinking mindset, we can envision and build a future that rectifies past oversights and paves the way for a more significant society.

In conclusion, while we have explored the pervasive and often invisible mechanisms of control within our society, it is crucial to recognize the specific entities behind these manipulations. The alleged influence of the 13 prominent families who control substantial aspects of the world’s economics highlights a critical area for further investigation and understanding. Unraveling the extent of their impact can provide insights into the broader economic and social systems that shape our lives. As we continue to seek transparency and accountability, it becomes essential to identify these influences not as abstract concepts but as concrete entities with significant control over global economics.


The concept of “13 main families” controlling the world is a common theme in various theories concerning global governance and economic dominance. These families often have disproportionate influence over global financial systems, political decisions, and international policies, as cited in many theories concerning global governance and economic dominance. However, it is essential to approach these claims critically, evaluating the available evidence and considering the complexities of global power dynamics. The discussion of such families often includes the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and Morgans, old and new Nobility but do not exclude, the City of London, the High Church and the Military, among others, whose historical financial and political connections provide substantial areas for further scholarly and investigative scrutiny. Hint, we may speak on the control of those outside parallel universe entities later.

From the Editor:

Despite the alleged dominance exerted by certain powerful families and entities, with the start of a new game, it is essential to recognize that the foundation of any meaningful change begins within the Self. True transformation and the ability to counteract external influences start with self-awareness and personal empowerment. Individuals can foster change by cultivating a deeper understanding of their role within these larger systems and actively choosing how they respond and contribute to societal structures. This internal revolution is crucial; it empowers us to act with intention, challenge the status quo, and engage in collective efforts that drive sustainable change. By starting with the Self, we lay the groundwork for broader societal transformation, turning individual enlightenment into a powerful force for collective advancement.


The perspectives and opinions expressed in this discussion are intended wholly for informational and educational purposes. They represent our views and should not be interpreted as professional financial, legal, or investment advice. We do not accept liability for any actions taken by individuals or groups based on the content of this discussion. We encourage readers to consult with qualified professionals before making significant decisions about the topics discussed herein. Additionally, we do not claim to provide authoritative solutions but aim to contribute to a broader conversation supporting personal and collective awareness growth. We strive to foster understanding and provoke thought, encouraging individuals to critically analyze and explore these topics within their contexts.

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